Make Money Online KEYWORDS Keywords for Google My Business (The 2020 Guide)

Keywords for Google My Business (The 2020 Guide)

Keywords for Google My Business (The 2020 Guide) post thumbnail image

Keywords for Google My Business is one of the biggest areas of confusion. Many business owners have no idea how to locate the correct keywords for the listing.

Even if you do understand what keywords are and how these words are the phrases your customers are currently using to find your business. You may have lots of other unanswered questions.

I’ve now just written the full article to help anyone wanting a bit more detail and it includes all the links in the video. so head over to

Why are Keywords for Google My Business important to your clients and Google?
How you can find keywords for your business today?
How does Google view keywords?
Where do I put keywords into Google My Business?
Then what if you want to do more than these basics?

If you think there are other Keywords issues for Google My Business that I forgot to cover, please put them in the comments below.

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Hello there! I’m Zane Clements. I Own Zanet Design. I have designed web sites and worked with small businesses, entrepreneurs and marketing agency’s for over 20 years. I have now decided to share my web design experience with you. So if you need a web or graphic designer, or you just have a question, please comment below and say hi on



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