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Automated bots scan web UIs, generating rigorous test cases, scripts and data. Test Modeller combines the speed and ease of AI-driven test creation with the granularity and full control of model-based test automation. Exploratory bots eliminate test scripting bottlenecks, building tests and visual models automatically from web UIs. The intuitive flowcharts then maximise visibility and provide a central point of collaboration, allowing cross-function teams to focus testing where it matters most.
This short demo showcases bot-driven test generation for an ECommerce store, search engine and UI with Shadow DOM elements. You will discover how:
1. Exploratory bots from Test Modeller rapidly scan web UIs, automatically generating test automation scripts for existing homegrown, commercial and open source frameworks.
2. The bot-driven test design identifies the locators and identifiers needed to generate accurate page objects, as well as the UI logic required for in-sprint test automation.
3. The robotic test generation identifies the test data needed to test each element in-sprint, learning from rapid tester input when an unrecognised element is detected.
4. The high-speed exploratory bots also build intuitive visual flowcharts of the website under test, providing a collaboration point for testers, developers and business analysts.
5. The visual flowcharts introduce full control to AI-driven testing, allowing cross-functional teams to fine tune testing and visualise exactly what has been tested in previous runs.
6. Measurable test optimisation focuses test generation on new or high-risk areas of the system, picking system logic in visual models to trigger high-speed exploratory bots.
7. The “zero touch” test generation and execution pushes rigorous tests to existing test automation frameworks and test management tools, while triggering CI/CD processes.
8. Previously unfeasible test maintenance becomes as quick and simple as reselecting a page to test, while self-healing page objects minimise delays associated with brittle test scripts.