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I make money online posing as a women #redditstories #shorts

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I make money online by posing as a woman on Reddit. I’ve been doing it for about two years now, and it’s been incredibly lucrative. I make around $500-$1,000 per month, and it’s all thanks to Reddit.

Now, before you ask, no, I’m not a Camgirl or anything like that. I don’t do anything sexual on Reddit, or anywhere else online for that matter. I simply exploit the fact that there is a massive gender imbalance on Reddit. And I’m not the only one doing it.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of women making a living by posing as women on Reddit. We’re in all sorts of subreddits, from r/AskReddit to r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon. And we’re making a killing.

Why? Because men are desperate for female attention on Reddit. And we’re more than happy to give it to them…for a price.

See, there are two main ways that we make money: through tips and through private messages. In both cases, we charge men for the attention they so desperately crave.

Let’s start with tips. This is the more common method of monetization among women posing as women on Reddit. It’s also the easier of the two methods.

Basically, we set up tip jars in our profiles and wait for the tips to come rolling in. And they do come rolling in. Men will regularly send us $5-$10 just for talking to them or giving them advice. It’s really not that hard to make $100-$200 per month just from tips alone.

But where the real money comes in is through private messages (PMs). This is where men are willing to pay serious cash for our attention. In fact, some of the women I know who do this full-time are making over $5,000 per month just from selling their PMs!

So how does it work? Well, it’s actually pretty simple…

We set up a profile on a site like Fiverr or Upwork and start offering our services as “Reddit Consultants.” We typically charge $50-$100 per hour, and we offer our services to help men with whatever they need help with on Reddit; whether it’s getting more upvotes on their posts, finding new subreddits to post in, or even just helping them figure out how Reddit works. And believe me when I say that there is a TON of demand for our services; there are literally thousands of men who are willing and eager to pay us for our time and attention.

Of course, not every man who contacts us is going to be willing to pay our rates; which is why it’s important to be very clear about our rates up front. We typically only accept clients who are willing to pay at least $100 per hour; any less than that and it’s simply not worth our time (and believe me, there are plenty of men out there who are more than happy to pay that much).

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