Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT HTML Tutorial: Forms & Input Tags | Web Development Tutorials #8

HTML Tutorial: Forms & Input Tags | Web Development Tutorials #8

HTML Tutorial: Forms & Input Tags | Web Development Tutorials #8 post thumbnail image

Forms are an integral part of how we interact with the internet. They allow us to input data, which is then processed and acted upon by a server. This data can be anything from our personal information to the content of a message we’re sending.

HTML forms are created using the

element. This element defines a form and contains all of the elements that make up the form, such as text fields, checkboxes, and submit buttons.

The element is used to create the various types of fields that make up a form, such as text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and submit buttons. There are several different types of elements, which are distinguished by their type attribute.

The type attribute determines the type of field that will be created. The most common types are “text” (for creating a text field), “radio” (for creating a radio button), and “checkbox” (for creating a checkbox).

The value attribute specifies the value that will be submitted for that field. For example, if you were to create a radio button with the value “yes”, then “yes” would be submitted when that button is selected. If no value is specified, then the default value will be submitted.

The name attribute is used to give each field a name. This name is used when submitting the form data to a server. It is also used by JavaScript to access the value of the field.

The id attribute can be used to give each field an ID. This ID can be used by CSS to style specific fields, or by JavaScript to access the field directly.


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