Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT HTML Tutorial for Beginners in Bangla | Basics of HTML Head | Part 04

HTML Tutorial for Beginners in Bangla | Basics of HTML Head | Part 04

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HTML Tutorial for Beginners in Bangla. In this video, you will learn about basics of HTML head. I have shown how to use title, base, link, meta & script tag in HTML document. After watching this video you will be able to create a simple HTML page with headings, paragraphs, ordered and unordered lists, images & hyperlinks.

In the previous video of this series, we learned about the basic structure of an HTML document. In this video, we will learn about the head element of an HTML document. The head element is the first element inside the html element. It contains information about the document like the title of the document, the character encoding of the document etc. The head element can also contain other elements like script and style which we will learn about in future videos.

The title element is used to specify the title of the document which is displayed in the browser’s title bar or in the tab. The title should be brief and descriptive.

The base element is used to specify a default URL and a default target for all links on a page. The href attribute of base specifies the base URL for all relative URLs on a page. The target attribute of base specifies the default target for all links on a page.

The link element is used to specify relationships between documents and external resources. Common uses of link are linking to style sheets and linking to RSS feeds.

The meta element is used to specify metadata which cannot be represented by other HTML elements like title, base, link or script. Metadata is data about data i.e information about the html document like description of the document, keywords associated with the document etc. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document etc but they can also be used to refresh pages automatically or redirect users to another page after specified time intervals. Meta elements can be divided into two categories based on where they appear in an html document – inside head or inside body. We will only discuss meta elements appearing inside head in this video as meta elements appearing inside body are not very common and not very well supported by browsers either so we won’t be covering them in this series at all.
The name attribute specifies metadata name i.e what kind of information it contains like description, keywords etc while content attribute specifies actual value of that metadata like actual description or keywords values etcetera.

There are some other global attributes that can be used with most html elements but we won’t be discussing them here as they are not specific to head element.

That’s it for this video guys! In next video we will learn how to use inline styles and style sheets (CSS) with HTML documents!

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