Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT HTML Bangla Tutorial / HTML5 Bangla Tutorial [#1] Introduction

HTML Bangla Tutorial / HTML5 Bangla Tutorial [#1] Introduction

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Hello, world! The code for this basic HTML5 template is available on GitHub. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the basics of HTML5 templates.

HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, the standard programming language for creating websites and web applications. It’s designed to make it easy to create responsive, mobile-friendly webpage layouts.

HTML5 templates are pre-designed webpages that you can edit and customize to create your own website. Many HTML5 templates include placeholder text and images that you can replace with your own content.

To use an HTML5 template, you’ll need a code editor like Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Brackets. Once you’ve downloaded a template, you can open the file in your code editor and start customizing it.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to download and use an HTML5 template from Start Bootstrap. We’ll also look at how to modify the template with your own content. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a basic website up and running!

Let’s get started!

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