Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING How You Can Use Email Marketing to Your Advantage

How You Can Use Email Marketing to Your Advantage

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Many people have labeled email marketing as dead since the rise of spam and the spam filter options that many email providers now have to go against it. Yes, that’s right. Due to many spammers out there, our email providers have opted to include a tool that helps filter emails that they think are spam, which, unfortunately, may include one from your own email marketing strategy. As a result, your emails may or may not be read by those people to whom you send them. Plus, there are some internet marketers who may not have the proper skills to write a good email and everyone ends up thinking that their emails are just spam. Email marketing isn’t dead yet, but in order to make it work, there are a few things that you need to consider.

Let me give you an example. Last month, I wrote and sent out two emails about a product that one of my friends was promoting. I made use of 3 really amazing bonuses that I was sure many people wouldn’t be able to resist. The result? I made over $1,000, which wasn’t bad because it only took me 30 minutes to write the email advertisement and only 10 minutes to distribute them. This is an example of email marketing.

The month before last I used email marketing for a special that I was running. I typed up the email for it in about 10 minutes, and another 10 minutes again to send the email out. I got $500 from that one. If you calculate the time I used to make that much money, I’m sure you’ll be wanting to find out how I was able to do that. And I was able to do all of this in the recent months, which just goes to show that email marketing isn’t really dead.

I can give more examples that prove that email marketing isn’t dead, but I know you got the idea. Email marketing is still a very effective and useful way of promoting your products, and the more you use it, the more you get better at it. I’ve been using this internet marketing method for years, and with the practice that I’ve been getting, it’s obvious that I’m better at it now.

What’s the secret to making email marketing to your advantage? It’s writing a powerful email that your readers would want to open it. Your email should have a strong subject and filled with solid content that people would really want to use their time to read and an offer that many wouldn’t dare pass up. It’s all in how you write your email. It’s that easy. Practice, research, experiment. See what kind of writing truly intrigues your readers. There are also many ways to learn how to write an effective email online that you can be earning as much as I do just by writing a simple, but powerful email.

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