Make Money Online AFFILIATE MARKETING How to Write a Good Presell Page

How to Write a Good Presell Page

How to Write a Good Presell Page post thumbnail image

As an affiliate marketer you need to make your presell page so enticing so that your visitor goes over to the vendor’s sales page. However newbie affiliate marketers seem to struggle with the concept of writing a presell.

Nevertheless, there is no real need to struggle if you try to keep a few things when writing one.

Nobody goes on to the Internet to be sold to. They go on to the Internet to find information on how they can solve a problem or problems that they are experiencing. Today everyone is bombarded with advertising on a daily basis so it’s no wonder then that Internet users are just fed up of people trying to sell them something.

#1 – To get as many of your readers through to the vendor’s sales page you NEED to make your pre-sell read more like an editorial than an ad It should provide solid information on what your reader is looking for.

There are different ways of going about this. Make your pre-sell read like a

o Testimonial

o Case study

o Review

o Endorsement

o Editorial

o Advice

#2 – Your readers will make a decision to read what you have to say or leave your site never to return in about 10 seconds of seeing your headline. That’s why you need to stop your readers in their tracks. Capture their attention and keep them on your pre-sell to the very end.

It is extremely important that your headline and subhead are compelling enough to get them to read the rest of your copy. The headline should excite curiosity; inject emotion, drama and a sense of urgency.

#3 – There are 4 important things to know before you can start to write your presell.

1. Know your objective

2. Know your target audience

3. Know your product

4. Uncover the benefits of owning this product

If you know the answers to these then you are well on your way to writing your presell.

#4 – Buy and use the product that you are promoting. This is important because without using the product and knowing what it does you are going to find it really difficult to write your presell because you are not going to know what it does or includes.

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