Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION How To Use Article Marketing MLM System To Generate Leads

How To Use Article Marketing MLM System To Generate Leads

How To Use Article Marketing MLM System To Generate Leads post thumbnail image

MLM system? I show you one. You might have heard about article marketing nowadays. In this editorial I want to explain a little bit about it to help you understand what that is. This is my favourite marketing strategy.

I used MLM lead system pro to study article marketing

Article marketing is an Online Home Business strategy first of all and you would need a website to leverage it. The article marketing process in a nutshell is creating articles and submitting them in as many article directories as you possibly can. After that in those article directories people might go through your piece of writing and (then there is a space called resource box to place your links) by clicking your links they are take to your site. As you can see this is a traffic generation strategy mainly for the reason that if you are planning to start building your Home Based business leveraging an online MLM system this will be a crucial factor that you have to sort out: traffic. Traffic means everything to your business, the more traffic you generate the more leads you going to have that equals more sale and more fresh reps into your team.

Is that what we call MLM lead generation system?

Those few visitors from some article directories? Obviously the response is no. This is not the core point of the MLM system I am about to expose and the reason why individuals do article marketing. Remember I mentioned those links you can place in the resource box that goes back to your site; they count as backlinks.

Each backlink will help your search engine rankings, because search engines take those backlinks from several places from the Internet coming back to your website as votes. And ultimately the more votes a webpage has the better it would rank inside the Google on the specific search term (keyword phrase what people put in Google to look for what they want). But please consider that this is just one of the needed criterions you ought to take care of if you want to get ranked in search engines. However we are discussing article marketing here so you should know what it is useful for and the sort of results you can accomplish by using Online MLM system that teaches you how to do this.

Article Marketing MLM system is the Free technique to rank on the first page of Google and to get tons of traffic to your site and endless Home Business leads. On the other hand it is a long term strategy and you have to be consistent to see any sort of results. In order to make it work you need to take action and create unique articles at least 3-4 times a week consistently. Every piece has to be 400-700 words long.

What to write about? Write about your matter, your niche write about something that your proposal is relevant to. Even if you have no idea how to create articles there is no excuse for the reason that there are writers out there who create articles even about MLM systems for some money.

Like I said article marketing is a Free strategy to get ranked in Google in specific search terms and get tons of visitors, MLM leads and business builders in your MLM system as a result. In spite of this you have to know some other critical factors of it otherwise you would just waste your valuable time on creating articles. You ought to be familiar with the meaning and the using of the following: keyword research, search engine optimization, anchor text…etc.

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