Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC How to Survive the Encrypted Network Traffic Apocalypse

How to Survive the Encrypted Network Traffic Apocalypse

How to Survive the Encrypted Network Traffic Apocalypse post thumbnail image

The encrypted network traffic apocalypse is upon us. Enterprises are scrambling to deploy application-aware firewalls, next-generation IPS/IDS, and other advanced security solutions to try to stay ahead of the curve. But it’s a losing battle. The bad guys are always one step ahead, and the encryption arms race is exhausting enterprise security budgets.

What’s the answer? How can enterprises defend themselves against the onslaught of encrypted network traffic?

The first step is to accept that traditional security solutions are no longer enough. Next-generation firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and other perimeter-based security solutions were never designed to deal with encrypted traffic. They are simply not up to the task.

The second step is to understand that the answer lies in visibility and control at the application layer. Enterprises need to be able to see into the encrypted traffic passing through their networks and they need to be able to control what applications are allowed to communicate with each other.

The third step is to deploy a solution that provides visibility and control at the application layer. There are a number of different solutions on the market that can provide this functionality. The key is to find one that fits your specific needs.

And the fourth and final step is to continuously monitor your network for anomalies and malicious activity. Even with a solution in place, it’s important to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for anything unusual.

Theencrypted network traffic apocalypse doesn’t have to be the end of the world for enterprises. By taking these four steps, enterprises can not only survive, but thrive in spite of it all.

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