Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES How To Setup A WordPress Staging Site – Free One Click Solution

How To Setup A WordPress Staging Site – Free One Click Solution

How To Setup A WordPress Staging Site – Free One Click Solution post thumbnail image

Setting up a WordPress staging site can be a real time-saver, especially if you’re working on a website with a lot of content. A staging site is a copy of your live website that you can use to test changes before you make them live. This can help you avoid making any mistakes that could affect your website’s performance or cause data loss.

There are a few different ways to set up a WordPress staging site. One easy way is to use a free plugin called WP Staging. This plugin lets you create a staging site with just a few clicks. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Install the WP Staging plugin.

2. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > WP Staging.

3. Click the “Create a staging site” button.

4. Enter the URL of your live website and click “Create staging site”.

The plugin will create a staging site that mirrors your live website. You can then test changes on the staging site before making them live.

If you’re not using WP Staging, you can also set up a staging site manually. Here’s how:

1. Create a new WordPress installation.

2. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > General.

3. In the “Site Address (URL)” field, enter the URL of your staging site.

4. In the “Site Title” field, enter a title for your staging site.

5. In the “Site Description” field, enter a description for your staging site.

6. Click “Save Changes”.

7. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Tools > Export.

8. In the “Export to” field, select “WordPress”.

9. Click “Export”.

10. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Tools > Import.

11. In the “Import from” field, select “WordPress”.

12. Click “Upload File”.

13. Select the export file you created in step 7 and click “Open”.

14. Click “Import”.

The import process will create a copy of

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