Make Money Online KEYWORDS how to search keywords for youtube videos ? | digital marketing expert |

how to search keywords for youtube videos ? | digital marketing expert |

how to search keywords for youtube videos ? | digital marketing expert | post thumbnail image

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As a YouTuber, especially if you’re just starting out, you need to be mindful of the keywords that you use in your titles and descriptions. Why? Because those keywords are what help YouTube (and Google) understand what your video is about, and ultimately determine whether or not your video appears in search results.

If you want people to find and watch your videos, you need to be strategic about the keywords you use. In this post, we’ll share how to search for keywords for YouTube videos, as well as some tips for using those keywords effectively.

What are keywords?

Before we dive into how to find the right keywords for your YouTube videos, let’s quickly review what keywords are and why they matter. Keywords are simply the words or phrases that people type into a search engine when they’re looking for something.

For example, if someone is looking for a new pair of running shoes, they might type “best running shoes” into a search engine. In this case, “best,” “running,” and “shoes” would all be considered keywords.

As a YouTuber, it’s important to use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions so that YouTube (and Google) can understand what your video is about. If you use the right keywords, there’s a good chance that your video will appear in relevant search results, which means more views for you!

How to find keyword ideas for YouTube videos

Now that we’ve reviewed what keywords are and why they’re important for YouTube videos, let’s talk about how to actually find the right keywords for your videos. Here are four methods you can use to generate keyword ideas:

1. Use YouTube’s auto-suggest feature: Start typing a phrase into YouTube’s search bar and see what suggestions pop up. These suggestions are based on popular searches that other people have made on YouTube, so they can give you some great ideas for keywords to use in your own videos.

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