Make Money Online SEO How to rank fiverr gig – fiverr gig ranking 2022 bangla – Fiverr SEO tutorial – gig impression Click

How to rank fiverr gig – fiverr gig ranking 2022 bangla – Fiverr SEO tutorial – gig impression Click

How to rank fiverr gig – fiverr gig ranking 2022 bangla – Fiverr SEO tutorial – gig impression Click post thumbnail image


Are you one of those people who are always looking for new and interesting ways to make money? If so, then you’ve probably considered using Fiverr. Fiverr is a great platform that allows you to sell your services for just $5.

However, as with anything else, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. In this article, we’re going to show you the right way to rank your Fiverr gig so that you can get more sales and make more money.

First, let’s talk about what not to do. One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they’re trying to rank their Fiverr gig is that they stuff keywords into their title. This is a HUGE no-no and will actually hurt your chances of ranking well.

Your title should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should give people a general idea of what your gig is about, but it shouldn’t be too keyword-stuffed.

Another big mistake people make is not taking the time to write a good description. Your description is your chance to really sell your gig and convince people that they need what you’re offering.

Make sure that your description is well-written, clear, and concise. It should give people a good idea of what they can expect from your gig, without being too “salesy” or “spammy” sounding.

Finally, don’t forget to use good keywords in your tags. Your tags are like mini-keywords that help people find your gig when they’re searching for something specific on Fiverr.

Use relevant keywords that accurately describe your gig and what it offers. Again, don’t stuff too many keywords into your tags – just use a few really good ones.

Now let’s talk about what you SHOULD do in order to rank your Fiverr gig well…

First, as we mentioned above, make sure that your title is accurate and descriptive without being keyword-stuffed. A good rule of thumb is to keep your title under 60 characters so that it doesn’t get cut off in the search results. Second, take the time to write a great description for your gig . Again, keep it clear and concise while still giving potential buyers a good idea of what they can expect from your service . You want them to be able to see why they need what you’re offering , so make sure your description sells them on it! Third , use relevant keywords in both your title and description . As we mentioned before , using relevant keywords will help potential buyers find your gig when they search for something specific on Fiverr . Just don’t go overboard – a couple of strategically placed keywords will do the trick . Fourth , add some attractive images . People are visual creatures , so having some high-quality images will definitely help you sell more gigs . Just make sure that the images are relevant to your gig and look professional . Fifth , offer fast delivery times . Buyers on Fiverr are often looking for quick results , so if you can deliver them quickly , you stand a much better chance of making the sale . Sixth , provide great customer service . This one pretty much goes without saying – if you want repeat customers (and who doesn ’ t ?), then you need to provide them with excellent customer service . Answering questions promptly , being friendly and helpful , and going above and beyond will all help you build a positive reputation on Fiverr which will lead to more sales down the road . Seventh , consider offering extras . This isn ’ t always necessary , but if you have some additional services or bonuses that you can offer with each gig purchase , it might just be enough to tip the scales in your favor and earn yourself some extra sales . Eighth , stay active on the platform

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