Make Money Online BANNERS How To Monetize A Blog Or Forum

How To Monetize A Blog Or Forum

How To Monetize A Blog Or Forum post thumbnail image

Blogs and forums are ideal “traffic magnets” for a website.

Your website’s visitors know that they are frequently

updated, and that they are interactive, so they keep

returning to “join the conversation.”

Search engines know that they are frequently updated, so

search engine spiders frequent return to re-index their

content. Properly configured blogs will “ping” the search

engines and directories each time that they are posted to,

constantly calling the search engine spiders back.

Since blogs and forums even come pre-installed in C-panel

on many hosting accounts, getting a website going can be

as simple as registering a domain name, hosting it at a

host that offers C-panel, and with just a few clicks of a

button, selecting the blogging or forum platform that you

want to use.

You can even customize the look and feel of that blog or

forum later if you want to. That way, you can literally

have a website up and running in UNDER an hour. All that

you need to do is make the blog or forum your homepage, and

your site is literally ready for the world!

The big question has always been, how do you then earn

revenue from that blog or forum. Here are some options

that I use and recommend:

1) Use your blog or forum to build a niche mailing list that

you then market to via email. Simply post a subscription

form right into the html code of the blog or forum that

invites your visitors to join your mailing list. If they

enjoy the content on your blog or forum, many visitors will

subscribe. You’ll build a mailing list fairly effortless

over time.

If you’re really lazy, that mailing list subscription can be

to an “evergreen” newsletter. That is, you can write, or

have written, a series of email messages that each new

subscriber gets in sequence when they sign up. Put together

52 issues that are scheduled to go out once a week, or 24

issues that are set to go out every 2 weeks, and you have a

newsletter that essentially “runs itself” for a year.

Each issue of your newsletter could contain: a simple article,

an editorial, and a product recommendation. It doesn’t have

to be any more difficult than that.

I write each issue of my newsletter fresh, but do know people

who use the “evergreen model.” They simple set the

autoresponder sequence to start over again when the last

issue is reached, then they periodically add new issues to

the series or revise outdated issues.

If you’d like to see how I’ve integrated a subscribe box

right into my blog, you can check it out at:

With a newsletter, the most often missed point is that you

DO need to sell your subscribers on signing up. You do need

to give them a compelling reason, assure them that you’ll

protect their data, and instruct them on exactly how to


2) Use your blog or forum to sell affiliate products. This

can be as simple as putting graphics and product

recommendations right into your menu bar. I do that on my

blog at the url above.

On my blog, I now sell affiliate products that pay me 50 to

100% commission, and that pay me instantly. If you check out

my blog at the url above, you’ll notice an animated 150 x 600

banner that advertises several products.

When a website visitor clicks on that banner and buys one of

those products I earn 100% commission, and it’s instantly

deposited directly to my Paypal account. Not only do I earn

a steady stream of commissions from my blogs and forums,

but I don’t have to wait on slow-paying affiliate programs.

The banner on my blog is called “Niche Widget” and is was

added to my blog simply by copying and pasting a tiny bit of

code into the webpage. It will work on ANY blog, forum, or

webpage, even on your Faceback or YouTube (or other social

networking websites) webpages.

In fact, adding the Niche Widget to sites like Facebook or

YouTube is as simple as clicking on the Widget where it says

“Grab This Widget.” This prompts you to log into any of over

a dozen social networking sites and AUTOMATICALLY add the

widget to your profile. However, that is primarily designed

to send your widget viral, and have lots of others passing

along YOUR affiliate link. To get paid you need to click

on the link that says “Make Money With It!”

What could be easier?

With Niche widget you can choose from a variety of niches

ranging from pets, to relationships, to marketing, to food,

or health, and the widget will display ads paying you from

50 – 100% on products related to that niche. The database

has over 2000 different digital product in it.

To get the Niche Widget absolutely free, you just visit and sign up. There are premium

accounts, but you can go with the free account if desired.

The difference is that premium accounts pay higher

commissions and pay you a percentage of sales on free

accounts when others sign up through you.

With the premium account, when someone who signs up through

you earns 50% commission, you earn 25% commission, and the

owner on Niche Widgets earns the other 25%.

I really like the system. It was earning me MORE than Google

AdSense the very first day that I installed it.

3) Google AdSense or other pay per click programs. You

register for one of these accounts, insert the code into your

page, and then you basically “sell your targeted traffic.”

The AdSense code displays related ads on your blog or forum,

and then when someone clicks on an ad, that advertise pays

Google for the traffic, and Google pays you an undisclosed

percentage of that advertiser’s payment (for each click


This was at one time my favorite revenue model because it

required very little work. You simply insert the code into

your webpages, blogs, forums, etc., and then someone else

finds the advertises who pay you. However, after only a

little testing, and noticing a higher revenue stream, I AM

replacing AdSense on most of my site with Niche Widget. You

can get that again at:

4) Your own products. If you have your own products, you can

market those directly from your blog or forum just as you do

affiliate products. For example, I have both a blog and a

forum on my soul food recipes site. On both the blog and

the forum, I run an ad for a cookbook that I wrote and sell

copies of EVERYDAY.

Since I know that many of my repeat visitors already own my

cookbook, I also use to run Google AdSense ads, but now use

the Niche Widget.

The Niche Widget displays rotating ads for other cooking

related digital products… mainly cookbooks.

5) Product Reviews. It also makes perfect sense to write

reviews of products and services related to your niche and

then post those on your blogs or forums. I do that by writing

reviews and posting related articles on my blogs and forums.

This works because the reviews, or articles, containing niche

specific keywords let the search engines know to rank my blogs

or forums highly for those keywords. This content (these

reviews) posted regularly, are what call the search engine

spiders back time after time to keep re-indexing my sites.

I’ve just outlined five ways that you can monetize a blog or

forum. On many of my sites, the blog or forum is EASILY the

most visited page on the entire site. Visitors will often

visit the blog or forum on your site repeatedly, and NEVER

venture off the blog or forum to check out the other sections

of your site.

Therefore, if you do want to earn a living from your website,

it is critical that you use proven effective ways to monetize

your blogs and forums. I’ve just given you FIVE that earn

thousands of dollars per month for me 🙂

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