Make Money Online MAKE MONEY ONLINE How To Make Money Online With NO MONEY | I Made $5,000+ in 4 Days #Shorts 💰💰💰

How To Make Money Online With NO MONEY | I Made $5,000+ in 4 Days #Shorts 💰💰💰

How To Make Money Online With NO MONEY | I Made $5,000+ in 4 Days #Shorts 💰💰💰 post thumbnail image

The internet has democratized many things. One of which is making money. In the past, making money required a lot of connections, start up capital, or a trust fund. But now, there are a ton of ways to make money online with little to no money upfront.

In this article, I’m going to show you how I made over $5,000 in 4 days with no money using #shorts. And I’m going to give you some tips on how you can do the same.

But first, let me give you a little bit of background on #shorts. #Shorts is a new platform by YouTube that allows creators to upload short videos (15 seconds or less). These videos can be monetized and generate revenue for the creators.

Now, on to how I made $5,000 in 4 days with no money…

I started by creating a bunch of short videos (15 seconds or less) on a variety of topics that I knew would be popular on YouTube. These topics included “how to make money online”, “how to save money”, and “how to invest your money”.

I then uploaded these videos to #shorts and started promoting them across my social media channels. I also added links to these videos in the description box of my YouTube channel (which has over 100,000 subscribers).

Within a few days, my videos were being viewed thousands of times and generating income through the #shorts platform. And within 4 days, I had made over $5,000!

Now, let me give you some tips on how you can make money online with #shorts…

1) Create helpful and informative content: As I mentioned above, the key to making money with #shorts is creating videos that people want to watch. So, focus on creating helpful and informative content that will be valuable to your audience.

2) Upload frequently: The more videos you have on the platform, the more chances you have of making money. So, upload new videos regularly (at least once per day).

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