Make Money Online AUTOMATION How to Make $100 a Week From Home With Affiliate Marketing

How to Make $100 a Week From Home With Affiliate Marketing

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If it is your desire to learn how to make $100 a week from home, affiliate marketing is a good online business to start with. From this article you will discover top affiliate marketing secrets which the gurus are not willing to share publicly. Come to think of it, the main idea behind making money on the internet is to share valuable information with people. So, I am going to expose you to simple ways to make money with affiliate marketing and possibly get out of debt or quit your day job sooner or later.

Basically, there are three ways to promote merchants’ products and services on the internet as an affiliate marketer. They are building landing or squeeze pages, starting product reviews blog, and building authority blogs and monetizing them with links of different affiliate products.

It is always difficult to make money blogging and promoting affiliate products if you are not an authority blogger or expert in your niche market. Starting a blog solely to review affiliate products and services can be very profitable if you personally use the products or receive review copies to guide you. It is always a Herculean task for a beginner who doesn’t have any idea of how to write product review articles to hit the ground running.

So, it comes down to setting up a simple squeeze page and creating an eBook or video to give away for free in order to build an email list of subscribers. I know you have heard times without number that money is in the list. But what I found to be valuable about list building is the relationship, bond and rapport which you are able to build with your target audience.

A lot of online shoppers and buyers are always skeptical about buying products from website owners who they don’t know, like and trust because of the prevalence of internet scams and low quality products for sale. It is even worse if they have to fill out their credit card information on your website to make a purchase.

If you are not an established e-commerce site such as,,, etc, you have a lot of work to do upfront to prove your expertise and earn trust from your target niche market. So, if you want to make $100 a week from home on the internet, the best way to get started as a beginner is to put your best foot forward by giving away something valuable to your target audience. This is because your generosity of giving out free eBook or video to your subscribers can gradually grow into mutual trust over a period of time.

The best part is that when you offer valuable free eBook or video, you are not worried about refunds or charge backs. Your main concern is to make sure you are giving away valuable report in order to reduce unsubscribe rate from your mailing list.

So, let’s do the Math. If you promote and sell an affiliate product which pays $25 commission for every sale closed, you need to sell only 4 copies to make $100 a week. Also, having 4 people in your buyers’ list of subscribers per week means you can up sell and cross sell other complementary products and services to them somewhere down the road.

In order to implement the squeeze page system successfully, you need to invest money in affiliate marketing tools including registering domain name, buying web hosting, creating landing page template, creating free report or video, subscribing to email service provider, and writing content to publish in your follow-up messages. There is nothing complicated about setting up squeeze page including automated email marketing system if you are willing to learn more about it.

But where you have to do a lot of work is crafting professional and valuable follow-up email series so that the rate at which your subscribers decide to opt out of your list won’t skyrocket. If you are not sure how to get started, simply sign up with reputable internet marketing newsletter and learn from the expert behind it. Another area I will draw your attention to is promoting quality product or service. You can know the quality of a product by using it yourself and reading feedback from real users from niche market forums members and users.

As for marketing and promotion of your website, the quickest ways to get website visitors is through forum marketing, writing press releases and content marketing. You have to regularly promote your website, build relationships with potential buyers in your niche market via social media networks and make sure they ultimately end up signing up for your newsletter.

Yes, there is a lot of work involved in completing these tasks but you are certain you are starting an online business for the long term. As a beginner, this is how to make $100 a week from home on the internet with all certainty either in affiliate marketing or other legitimate internet business opportunities.

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