Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT How to link Static Files(CSS) in Django with template(HTML)

How to link Static Files(CSS) in Django with template(HTML)

How to link  Static Files(CSS) in Django  with template(HTML) post thumbnail image

Static files are files that are not generated by a web application, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files. Django provides a way to manage these files and includes a template tag to make it easy to link to them from your templates.

To add a static file to your project, create a folder called static in your project’s root directory. Then, add your files to that folder. Django will automatically find and include them in your website.

You can link to a static file from a template by using the {% static %} template tag. This tag will automatically insert the correct path to the file. For example, if you have a file called style.css in your static folder, you can link to it like this:

You can also use the {% static %} tag to link to a folder of static files. For example, if you have a folder called images in your static folder, you can link to it like this:

The {% static %} tag can also be used to link to a file or folder on a different server. Just include the full URL to the file or folder.

That’s it! You can now easily link to your static files from your templates.


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