Make Money Online AUTOMATION How to handle Dynamic dropdown in a Generic way Selenium Automation Testing Lecture-33

How to handle Dynamic dropdown in a Generic way Selenium Automation Testing Lecture-33

How to handle Dynamic dropdown in a Generic way Selenium Automation Testing Lecture-33 post thumbnail image

If you are looking for a way to handle Dynamic dropdown in a Generic way then Selenium is the perfect tool for you. With Selenium you can easily identify and select elements on the page without having to hard code any locators. This makes it easy to create a script that can be used on any page with a similar structure.

To handle Dynamic dropdown in Selenium we need to use the By.xpath() method. This method takes a locator as an argument and returns an element matching the locator. The locator can be an id, class name, tag name or any other valid XPath expression.

In our example we will use the id attribute of the element to locate it. The id attribute is unique to each element so it is perfect for use in this case. We will also add a little bit of code to handle if the element is not found on the page.

The first thing we need to do is find the element on the page that we want to select. In our example we want to select an element from a dropdown list so we need to find the