Make Money Online PPC How to Generate Money From a Blog

How to Generate Money From a Blog

How to Generate Money From a Blog post thumbnail image

More and more people are having their own websites these days, in a form of blogs, due to the ease of setting one up. In case you do not know, you can setup your own blog starting from scratch in as little as 5 minutes – Just go to Blogger and sign up for a free blog.

While many people have their own blogs and update it regularly with contents, most people do not know that they can actually generate money from their blogs. For those of you who have yet to set up monetization mechanisms to start generate money from your blog, do you know that you are leaving a lot of money on the table?

There are, in fact, a lot of different means to generate money from your blog, and in this post, I’m going to share with you 5 monetization methods that you can put into use right away.

1. Pay Per Click Ad Networks

How Pay Per Click (also known as PPC for short) Ad networks works is that, after you’ve sign up as a member of the ad networks (the common ones being Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Kontera, and Chitika), all you need to do after you’ve signed up for these ad networks is to copy and paste some code

snippets onto your blog.

These ad networks will then start place ads in your blog (the types of ads that will be placed in your blog will be based on your content – For example, if your blog is about guitars, you’re likely to get ads associated with guitars), and whenever someone clicks on these ads, you’ll get paid. It’s as simple as that.

2. Sell Ad Space

The main disadvantage, when it comes to monetizing via PPC ad networks is that you have no control over the ads that are being displayed in your blog. You could sometimes see an ad that’s being served in your blog that’s totally irrelevant to the subject in which your blog is about.

Therefore, some bloggers may prefer to sell ad space to individual advertisers – By doing so, they’ll have more control over the relevancy of ads that’s being displayed on the blog.

When it comes to selling ad space, you may either choose to charge a monthly rate, or cost per thousand views. The amount you can charge is based on how established your blog is, as well as the volume of traffic your blog gets in a single month.

3. Product Promotion

Another blog monetization strategy can come in a form of promoting products and/or services as an affiliate.

For digital products, you can sign up to be an affiliate in ClickBank. For physical products, you can sign up as an affiliate of Amazon (via Amazon Associates Program).

You can either promote these products by putting up the respective product banners in your blog, or you can write blog posts to give an honest review of the products and/or services that you are promoting.

4. Pop-Ups & Pop-Unders

Even though most people have popup and pop-under blockers installed in their web browsers, they are still very much alive. And you can monetize your blog with these pop-ups and pop-unders.

Some networks you can sign up that serves popups and pop-unders are PayPopUp, PopupAd, Adversal.

Most of these networks will pay you by every thousand impressions (meaning you’ll get paid a sum of money after a popup or popunder has been displayed a thousand times).

5. Donations

You can have a “Donate” link or button at the end of every post that you have to allow people who like your post to donate some money to you as an incentive.

If your blog contents is original, and at the same time informative, you can potentially get quite a lot of people donating money to you (especially those who, after reading your blog post, gets answers to their burning questions).

The 5 methods that I’ve shared with you above are free to implement. And since they are free to implement, why not try them out and start generating money from your blog today?

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