Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC How To Drive Traffic To Your Website By Offering Free Gifts and Content To Your Visitors

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website By Offering Free Gifts and Content To Your Visitors

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website By Offering Free Gifts and Content To Your Visitors post thumbnail image

So, you finally decided to set-up a website so you can earn some money from home. It doesn’t matter whether you decided to start a website to promote and sell your own products or services, or to promote the products and services of an affiliate program you belong to, either way you need to generate traffic to your website.

One of the ways you can generate traffic to your website is to offer your visitors something for free.

That’s right, giving them something for free will get them to stop by and see what you have to offer, and it can get them to return to your site over and over to see what else is new that you are offering for free.

People love to get free gifts and you can offer them to your visitors as an incentive to subscribe to your ezine, blog or newsletter, if you have one, or for joining your business, or you can give them away to your visitors just for stopping by and taking a look at your website.

So what do you have that you can give to them that’s free?

There are a lot of things you can offer and they won’t cost you anything to set them up and give them away. The best thing to do is to offer a small variety of free things in order to capture the interest of a broad range of visitors.

Here’s a brief list of things you can offer your website visitors.

Free e-Books

Free Content that automatically updates on a regular basis.

Free articles that they can use in their newsletters, ezines or website.

Free Email Accounts

Free Daily Jokes

Free e-Cards

Free Daily Horoscopes

You see, this is only a short list, but the items mentioned above will give you a wide range of items to choose from.

Some of the Free Content that you offer should update on a weekly or daily basis. This will keep your visitors returning to see what’s new.

You can also allow your visitors to give away your content to their website visitors. This works best with articles and e-books, because when they post your articles on their website, newsletter or blog they must include the resource box at the end of the article. The resource box will contain a little info about you and/or your website and a link back to your website.

In time, this will provide you with 1,000’s of website and newsletter owners, who will have your content and/or articles on their sites, providing you with 100% free advertising and more visitors to your site, through their efforts. Also by having your articles and content on other peoples sites, newsletters or blogs, you will also get your site listed higher in the search engine listings because this will generate more links back to your website.

This will generate free traffic to you from the search engines.

Wow, imagine that. You give away free gifts and content to your website visitors, they place it on their websites, newsletters, blogs, and your website gets listed in the search engines and before you know it a flood of people are coming to your website from all over the world, and you finally start making serious money selling you products and services.

So what did you do? You gave away free gifts and offered free content and you generated a lot of traffic to your website and you made money.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today. Yes, it does take some time to get things set-up, but once it’s done and things start to show some results you’ll be able to sit back a little and enjoy the fruits of your labors. It won’t be long and this will give you an army of people promoting your website for you by giving away your free gifts and content which will lead back to you.

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