Make Money Online KEYWORDS How To Do Keyword Research For Blog Posts Using Keywords Everywhere

How To Do Keyword Research For Blog Posts Using Keywords Everywhere

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Are you a blogger? Do you want to drive traffic to your blog? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t?

The first step to driving traffic to your blog is to ensure that your blog posts are optimized for search engines. And the first step to optimizing your blog posts for search engines is to do keyword research.

But what is keyword research? Keyword research is the process of finding the right keywords to target for your blog post. The right keywords are the ones that will help your blog post rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs), and thus drive more traffic to your blog.

There are a number of different ways to do keyword research. In this article, we’ll focus on how to do keyword research for blog posts using Keywords Everywhere, a free Chrome extension that makes keyword research easier.

First, let’s install Keywords Everywhere. Go to the Keywords Everywhere website and click “Add to Chrome”.

Once Keywords Everywhere is installed, go to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Type in a seed keyword related to your topic and click “Get Ideas”.

Scroll down to the “Keyword Ideas” section and take a look at all the keywords that are related to your seed keyword. These are all potential keywords that you could target for your blog post.

To get more ideas, you can also try typing your seed keyword into Google and taking a look at the related searches that appear at the bottom of the SERP. These are also potential keywords that you could target for your blog post.

Now that you have a list of potential keywords, it’s time to start filtering them out so that you can find the best keywords to target for your blog post. There are a few different criteria you can use to filter out keywords:

-Search volume: The number of people searching for a particular keyword each month. You want to target keywords with a high search volume so that you can get more traffic from them. You can find out the search volume for each keyword using Keywords Everywhere. Just hover over any keyword on your list and the search volume will appear in a pop-up box.

-Keyword difficulty: How difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword in SERPs. You want to target keywords with a low keyword difficulty so that you have a better chance of ranking for them in SERPs. Again, you can find out the keyword difficulty for each keyword using Keywords Everywhere. Just hover over any keyword on your list and the keyword difficulty will appear in a pop-up box.

-Commercial intent: Whether or not people who search for a particular keyword are lookingto buy something or just looking for information (i.e., whether or not they have commercial intent). You generally want to target keywords with commercial intent as these are more likely to result in sales or leads (if that’s what you’re aiming for). However, sometimes it can be goodto target informational keywords as well as these can help establish you as an expert in your field and thus increase brand awareness (which could leadto sales or leads down the line).

Once you’ve filtered out some keywords using these criteria, it’s time totest them out by putting them into Google and seeing what comes upin SERPs. If there are already lots of high-ranking articles onthe first page of SERPs then it will be difficultfor youto rankfor that particularkeyword no matter how goodyour article is becausethere’s just too muchcompetition already.. In this case,you might wantto scrapthatkeywordand try another one onyour list.. On the other hand,if there aren’tmany articles currentlyrankingforthat particularkeyword thenyou might havea betterchanceto rankfor it withyour blog post.. This bringsus nicelyonto our next point… Not everykeywordis worthtargeting.. Even ifyou managedto rankfora certainkeywordit doesn’t necessarilymeanthatit would be beneficialforyouor your business totargetthatparticularkeyword.. Forinstance,sayyou runa Seo companyandyourankedfirstforthesearchterm”bestSeo company”wouldthat really bethe bestkeywordforyouto target?.. Afterall,chancesareifsomeoneis searchingforthe “bestSeo company”they’reprobablynotreadytopurchaseSeoservicesyet.. Theymightjustbe doingresearchinto what Seocompaniesareavailableand whichone would bethe bestfitfor their needs.. Inthis instance,itt might bebetterfortoyoutotargetlong-tail keyphrasessuchas”bestSeocompanyintown”or “affordableSeoservices”as thesepeoplearefurtheralonginthe purchase cycleandaremorelikelytobecomeleadsor customers.. To sum up:Don’t justtargetany oldkeywordthat has alowkeyworddifficultyandahighsearchvolume because it doesn’t necessarilymeanthatit’s goingtobringyoutrafficor conversions.. Insteaddo somefilteringusingthecriteriastatedaboveandthentesttheremainingkeywordsbyputtingtheminto Googlesearch engineand seeingwhat come supin SERPsbeforedecidingwhichonesaretrulyworthtargetingwithyourblog post!

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