Make Money Online KEYWORDS How To Do a Content Gap Analysis For SEO Using Keywords Everywhere

How To Do a Content Gap Analysis For SEO Using Keywords Everywhere

How To Do a Content Gap Analysis For SEO Using Keywords Everywhere post thumbnail image

When you’re trying to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), you need to take a comprehensive approach. Part of that is analyzing your content to make sure that it is keyword rich and informative. This process is called a content gap analysis.

In this article, we’ll show you how to do a content gap analysis for SEO using the Keywords Everywhere extension. We’ll also provide some tips on how to improve your website’s content so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What Is a Content Gap Analysis?

A content gap analysis is the process of identifying keywords that your competitors are ranking for in SERPs, but you are not. This information can help you fine-tune your website’s content strategy and improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs for those keywords.

To do a content gap analysis, you need a list of competitor websites and a tool to help you compare their keyword rankings to yours. The Keywords Everywhere extension is a free Chrome extension that does just that.

Once you have the Keywords Everywhere extension installed, open up your competitor’s website in your browser and enter some seed keywords into the search bar. The extension will then show you a list of related keywords along with the monthly search volume and cost per click (CPC) for each keyword.

Scroll through the list of keywords and make note of any that your competitor is ranking for in SERPs but you are not. These are potential content gaps that you can fill by creating new pieces of content targeting those keywords.

How to Improve Your Website’s Content Strategy

Once you’ve identified some potential content gaps, it’s time to start thinking about how to fill them. Here are some tips:
+ Identify customer pain points: Use keyword research to identify the problems that your target customers are trying to solve with their searches. Then, create content that addresses those pain points directly. Doing so will not only help you rank for relevant keywords, but it will also position your brand as an authority on solving those specific problems.

+Create evergreen content: Evergreen content is timeless and relevant no matter when someone reads it. That makes it more likely to rank well in SERPs over time and continue driving traffic to your website long after it’s published. When creating evergreen content, focus on topics that are relevant to your niche and have lasting appeal.

+Make use of video and other visuals: In addition to text-based articles, consider using other types of visuals like videos or infographics in your content strategy. These types of visuals can help break up long pieces of text and make complex topics more digestible for readers. They can also be highly shareable, which can help increase the reach of your content beyond just organic search traffic

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