Make Money Online WEBSITES How To Create A FREE Affiliate Marketing Website In 2021 (Step by Step For Beginners)

How To Create A FREE Affiliate Marketing Website In 2021 (Step by Step For Beginners)

How To Create A FREE Affiliate Marketing Website In 2021 (Step by Step For Beginners) post thumbnail image

In 2021, affiliate marketing is still a viable and profitable way to make money online. If you’re looking to start an affiliate marketing website, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it for free.

1. Choose a domain name and web hosting.

The first step is to choose a domain name and web hosting. You can find both of these for free on websites like Namecheap and Bluehost.

2. Install WordPress.

Once you have your domain name and web hosting, you’ll need to install WordPress. This is a free platform that you can use to create your affiliate marketing website.

3. Choose a theme.

Once you have WordPress installed, you’ll need to choose a theme. There are many free themes available, but you may want to invest in a premium theme if you want a more professional look.

4. Create your website content.

Now it’s time to create your website content. This will include your homepage, about page, and product pages. Be sure to include plenty of helpful content that will help your readers learn about affiliate marketing.

5. Add your affiliate links.

Once your website is complete, it’s time to add your affiliate links. These are the links that will earn you money when someone clicks on them and makes a purchase.

6. Promote your website.

Finally, it’s time to promote your website. This can be done through social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

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