Make Money Online PPC How to create a $3,288 PPC campaign [PPC & Affiliate Marketing Case Study]

How to create a $3,288 PPC campaign [PPC & Affiliate Marketing Case Study]

How to create a $3,288 PPC campaign [PPC & Affiliate Marketing Case Study] post thumbnail image

In this article, we will be discussing how to create a $3,288 PPC campaign. We will be using a case study to help illustrate how this can be done.

The case study we will be using is for a fictitious company called “ACME Widgets”. ACME Widgets is a company that manufactures and sells widgets.

The first step in creating a $3,288 PPC campaign is to come up with a budget. In this case study, we will be using a budget of $3,288.

The next step is to come up with a list of keywords that we will be targeting. In this case study, we will be targeting the keywords “widgets”, “ACME widgets”, and “buy widgets”.

The next step is to create a campaign and set up our targeting. In this case study, we will be targeting the United States.

The next step is to create our ad group and write our ads. In this case study, we will be creating an ad group for the keyword “widgets”. Our ad will be for the keyword “buy widgets”.

The next step is to create our landing page. In this case study, we will be using the home page of the ACME Widgets website as our landing page.

The next step is to set up our conversion tracking. In this case study, we will be using the Google Analytics conversion tracking code.

The next step is to set up our budget. In this case study, we will be setting our budget to $3,288.

The next step is to set our bid amount. In this case study, we will be setting our bid amount to $0.50.

The next step is to set our schedule. In this case study, we will be setting our schedule to “continuous”.

The next step is to save our campaign.

The final step is to start our campaign.

By following these steps, you can create a $3,288 PPC campaign.

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