Make Money Online AFFILIATE MARKETING How to Commonly Create Wealth Online Using Simple Sense, and Making Money

How to Commonly Create Wealth Online Using Simple Sense, and Making Money

How to Commonly Create Wealth Online Using Simple Sense, and Making Money post thumbnail image

Product Creation is one of the most common way anyone can easily use to create wealth online. These products can be in the found of downloadable audio, ebook, educational newsletters where subscribers may be required pay some fees, online dating sites and much more.

The second way anyone can also create wealth online, or make money working from home can be through affiliate marketing, and network marketing commonly known as multi level marketing.

As a product owner, or an internet affiliate marketer, there are two very important things you will need to concentrate on. The first thing is to create awareness. That can be achieve by providing value to people, solving peoples problems by providing viable ideas on resolving various problems. This will create massive exposure to your business and your profile as a professional in whatever industry you represent.

The second most important thing is to be able to get tones of targeted traffic to your business. That can only be easily obtainable only if you are able to create awareness and provide value to your audience. Your audience become you prospect. Get more of the prospects, and then convert those prospects to buyers and make more sales, make more money, reach your financial goals and be happy.

There are 4 things that needs a very careful attention in order for the above 2 points to be achieved. There are as follows:

1) Conduct a market research and find the right niche market that interest you most: It has never being an easy task to finding the right niche market. However, if that can be done effectively and efficiently, that alone is a number one golden step to creating and running a very successful business.

One of the way of doing this effectively and efficiently, is to use the law of demand and supply. As we known, the theory states that, when they are few suppliers of any particular product, the demand is always high, and where there are too many suppliers, the demand becomes low. If the demand for whatever you are offering is extremely low, it can be very tough to break-event. The are products which are sold by many different vendors, as an affiliates promoting this kind of products can be very hard because of intense competition. The reason being that many other people will also be competing to promote the same product to the same market. On the other hand, a unique niche product that is produced by very few vendors or manufacturers can be a gold mine. Such products tend not to do very well because there tend to be high level of demand, and low supply. This is known as an ever green niche products and market.

There are few tips that can be used to know these products and markets;

(a) Google Search, I basically use the Google search tool such as Google insight, Google free keyword tools, and some other tools to decide if a market is a viable market or not. That can do by doing a search for that product (keyword) on Google like for example “Credit Cards” hit the search button. If the result I get is more than 5 Million, I take that product to fall under higher competitive market which is not a good news at all. In most cases, this is a signal of danger, it tells me that this mark is a very hard market to get into. However, in some cases these kind of markets might also be a star (very good market) if you use Google keyword tracker. (With Google keyword tools, the higher the number of competition, the poorer that market, and with Google keyword tracker, the higher the number of searches, the greener the market).

Below is a summary of the above points.

i) I use the free key word ad tracker to know if the market is available at all. For instances, if I was to search for an iPod touch, and the result I get is less that 30, I define that market as one with very little demand and will not venture into it.

ii) The third method is to use the free Google external keyword tool to find out how many people really search for the product locally and globally on a monthly basis.

iii) I use Google insights for search to search for specific locations where there is a large market population searching for the product I offer. For example, a market with a 100% break through can not be comparable to the one with 60%.

iv) Conduct a product research and find the right product: Knowing the right market means you must have also get to know their needs. Knowing the right product and selling them in the right markets will make you lots of money within a short time.

2) Promotion: This is finding the most right and the best way possible to reach the market with your niche’ product. Depending on the kind of advertising that is suitable to you, if the way the product is been promote is good enough, and the product is a high demand product, the sales can be the type that makes your banker to call you for some interrogations.

3) Automation: As a product owner, or an affiliate, after knowing the right markets, the right products and the best ways to possibly promoting the product, you want to look at using some few automation in order to make your life less stressful, and to avoid spending too much time and money.

Using automated software is one of the best way to assist you in making good money online working lesser time from home. For examples, if your marketing system is to create videos and submit them on websites like YouTube and other video featuring websites. Software from sites like TubeMogul, can enable you to submit many videos with just one click. This can save you lots of time.

As we know, one of the most powerful means of sending lots of traffic to your site is through article marketing, and submitting 100s of articles to the various article directories can be time consuming and hectic. With automation, and knowing the right market, right products and right methods of promotion, the right software, success and growth can be achieve easily.

4) Network marketing can be another vehicle to create wealth or make money online or offline working from home. ACCORDING TO ROBERT KIYOSAKI AND DONALD TRUMP, these 2 fellow refer to Network marketing as “THE BUSINESS OF THE 21ST CENTURY”.

With the few common sense ideas listed in this article, it is possible to create wealth or some passive income either online or offline working from home. Thanks for reading, please your comments are very welcome and appreciated. Leave your comments.

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