Make Money Online WEBSITES How to Come Up With a Website Marketing Strategy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

How to Come Up With a Website Marketing Strategy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

How to Come Up With a Website Marketing Strategy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients post thumbnail image

At the heart of a successful website marketing strategy is a solid understanding of your target market’s needs, and the solution you provide to serve those needs. In other words, you must have clarity on your niche. Until you have clarity on your niche, it doesn’t pay to do a lot of marketing because you will lack the strategic focus you need to succeed.

In the simplest of terms, the goal of your website marketing strategy is to attract your ideal clients to your website, and inspire them to take action. The most important action for them to take is opting into your email list. This gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with them over time, and to market your products and services.

But how can you inspire them to optin to your list? You need to have 3 things in place.

  1. A headline that captures their attention
  2. Copy that speaks to their specific needs (this can be text and/or video)
  3. A free giveaway that is valuable for them

Without a clear niche marketing strategy, creating these 3 elements is difficult. But once you are clear on your niche, things become much simpler.

When you understand your niche, you can find the words that resonate with your target market. You can speak directly to their situation and provide a solution that helps them meet their needs.

Understanding your niche also makes it much easier for you to create a free giveaway that is valuable for your target market. Your free giveaway should address your target market’s top burning needs. It should give people something tangible they can implement and see results, without being too overwhelming. Your giveaway is also a great opportunity to reinforce your brand — to share your personal story and message.

Ideally, you will create a landing page where you offer your giveaway. A landing page is very powerful because it includes one simple call to action without any clutter or distractions. That call to action is to optin to your list and receive this valuable giveaway. You can also offer the same giveaway on your website and other places such as your Facebook Page and in the resource box of articles you write.

As you can see, your niche is the key to your website marketing strategy. It is what allows you to move forward with confidence to attract your ideal clients and build a successful business.

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