Make Money Online BANNERS How To Choose Tools to Create Traffic to a Website – 5 Essentials

How To Choose Tools to Create Traffic to a Website – 5 Essentials

How To Choose Tools to Create Traffic to a Website – 5 Essentials post thumbnail image

How to choose tools to create traffic to a website when there are so many online marketing techniques out there? Here are the five steps for appearing on the first page of search engine results, which is the key to how to increase hits on your website. I followed the steps shown below and my very first article made it to the #1 spot on a Google search engine results page with 68 million results. Here’s how.

1. Develop a preliminary subject that can be honed to a clear target statement. The important tool for this stage is your own mind.

2. Perform keyword research based on your preliminary subject. Keywords can range from single words to a “long-tail” keyword phrase of even five or six words; a keyword phrase of several words still counts as a single keyword if you define it that way. Well-chosen one- or two-word keyword phrases can be very popular, yet sometimes so much so that you probably will be left behind in driving traffic to your website because everybody else is using the same words. Being more specific, long-tail keywords attract folks that are more interested in your message.

3. Create a title for your message based on your preliminary subject and keyword research. The title must be a visual speed bump. You can choose to do the work yourself or pay to outsource it.

4. Create a message made of quality content. You can do it yourself; some folks achieve quicker success through outsourcing.

5. Get the word out. This is where the rubber meets the road. From all the possibilities, here are the most important tools in which you can have a direct impact: a) Your blog site. b) Published articles. c) Posted videos. d) Social bookmarks. e) Paid advertising.

Some people consider analytics that measure traffic to your site and backlinks as tools by which you may directly control creation of traffic to your website. However, backlinks are optimally generated by publishing content of high enough quality that outside readers install links to your site. So, in the context of this article analytics and backlinks are considered to indirectly create traffic to your website. Note: a) through d) can be done for free or outsourced for a fee.

a) Your blog site is your commercial face on the internet. It’s the major stepping off point for deriving income, either through your primary product or as an “affiliate” for third party vendors.

b) Published articles are mandatory. Quality content will create the internet equivalent of word of mouth. There are many ways to get your articles distributed broadly in a short period of time.

c) Another essential tool is to post your video presentations on YouTube and other video sites. Your search engine rankings will be strengthened by videos that complement your online articles.

d) To fail to social bookmark your work is to seriously curtail your success in creating traffic. Social bookmarking, i.e. posting news of your article (or a short summary of it) on Facebook and other social sites, gains wide distribution quickly.

e) Paid internet advertising, such as a banner ad, can be useful as a tool. You can also create video ads and social bookmarking ads. You pay, but you’ll get quicker results than from free choices. Stay away from Pay Per Click unless you have expert knowledge.

There are a large number of web traffic tools for sale. I recommend a conservative approach on acquiring them. There are useful free ones available. Don’t get so burdened by tools that you cannot focus on subject content.

While this article draws from my own experiences, independent authorities in this field have similar conclusions. Please see this reference for a succinct summary of some of the website traffic issues raised in this article.

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