Make Money Online WORDPRESS How to Build Travel and Tour Website using WordPress and Elementor

How to Build Travel and Tour Website using WordPress and Elementor

How to Build Travel and Tour Website using WordPress and Elementor post thumbnail image

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables you to build a website from scratch or to improve an existing website. WordPress is free and open source software released under the GPL.

There are two ways to install WordPress: manually or automatically.

Manual installation is more complicated but gives you more control over the process. Automatic installation is easier but you have less control over the installation process.

In this article, we will show you how to install WordPress manually.

First, you need to download the latest version of WordPress from

Then, unzip the downloaded file and upload the unzipped files to your web server.

Next, create a MySQL database and user for WordPress.

To do this, login to your cPanel account and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

Then, enter the name of the database and the username and password for the user.

Click on the Create Database button and then the Create User button.

Enter the username and password for the user and then click on the Create User button.

You will need the database name, username and password for the next step.

Next, open your favorite web browser and go to

Enter the database name, username and password and then click on the Install WordPress button.

WordPress will be installed and you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed WordPress!

Now let’s take a look at how to use WordPress to build a travel and tour website.

First, you need to install the Elementor plugin.

To do this, login to your WordPress dashboard and click on the Plugins icon.

Then, click on the Add New button and search for Elementor.

Click on the Install Now button and then the Activate button.

Next, create a new page and click on the Edit with Elementor button.

Then, click on the Add Element button and select the Travel and Tour section.

You will see a list of travel and tour elements.

To add an element to the page, drag and drop the element to the desired location.

You can also edit the element settings by clicking on the Settings icon.

When you are finished editing the page

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