Make Money Online WORDPRESS How To Build A Real Estate Website Using WordPress [2020]

How To Build A Real Estate Website Using WordPress [2020]

How To Build A Real Estate Website Using WordPress [2020] post thumbnail image

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables you to build a website from scratch or to improve an existing website. In this article, we will show you how to build a real estate website using WordPress.

First, you will need to install WordPress on your web server. You can find instructions on how to do this on the WordPress website.

Once WordPress is installed, you will need to create a new website. To do this, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Create New” button.

Enter the following information into the website creation form:

Website Title: Enter the name of your website.

Description: Enter a brief description of your website.

Website Type: Select “Real Estate” from the drop-down menu.

Website Category: Select “Real Estate” from the drop-down menu.

Author: Enter your name.

Website Address: Enter the website address (e.g.

Click on the “Create Website” button.

WordPress will now create your website.

Next, you will need to install a WordPress theme for your website. A WordPress theme is a collection of files that determine the appearance and functionality of your website. You can find free WordPress themes on the WordPress website, or you can purchase a premium WordPress theme from a third-party website.

To install a WordPress theme, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Appearance” menu. Then, click on the “Themes” sub-menu.

Click on the “Add New” button.

Enter the following information into the theme installation form:

Theme Name: Enter the name of the theme.

Description: Enter a brief description of the theme.

Author: Enter the author’s name.

Theme URI: Enter the theme’s URL.

Version: Enter the theme’s version number.

License: Select the theme’s license.

Click on the “Install Now” button.

WordPress will now install the theme.

Next, you will need to configure the settings for your website. To do this, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Settings” menu. Then, click on

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