Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION How to Blog – Write As If Nobody’s Reading

How to Blog – Write As If Nobody’s Reading

How to Blog – Write As If Nobody’s Reading post thumbnail image

If you’re a beginner blogger, one of the best things you can do is get a domain, buy hosting and start blogging about whatever you feel like blogging about. It’s simply a matter of sticking to a certain goal of writing 500 words a day, everyday. This is good for the blog since it gives it content that gets natural SEO and more importantly, if you really write from the heart, then people are going to find you and become a fan of your work.

What you write doesn’t even have to be that crash hot. As long as you have a clear message and you know how to best convey it to your ideal audience then that’s all you need. Once you do get good enough to have a following, you will be noticed by other bloggers. If they like what they read, they will link to you.

More often than not, you will find that for certain topics, they will tend to link to you more simply because they like how you write. The content itself might be mediocre and not garner much of a response from either your audience or the other blogger’s.

It’s a prime example of blogging or writing for someone else and not yourself. It is essentially Marketing 101 as well. There is a demand and there is a supply. Your audience demands a certain kind of content from you. You’re supplying content, but who is your audience that you’re satisfying?

A. Pro-bloggers

B. Your niche audience

There is nothing wrong with getting excited about massive traffic spikes when an article of yours gets picked up by a massive blog that you read and look up to. You’ve just got to make sure that when the readers land on your site, you convert them in a way. The spikes come and go. So do the readers. Make sure that you form a relationship with them ASAP so that your blog becomes a long-term lead generation device, in essence.

That’s a whole different topic altogether. The focus of this article is to get your content in front of the eyes of the people who you want it to be read by. Write like how you talk. Write personally. Tell a story. Don’t ask too much or come off as desperate. Most of all, write as if they’re not there. Write for the sake of writing. It’s not a competition or a race. Your blog is about you and people will come to appreciate that in the long run. That’s what will keep them coming back for more.

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