Make Money Online AFFILIATE MARKETING How to Advertise Your Affiliate Products – Affiliate Programme Income Opportunities

How to Advertise Your Affiliate Products – Affiliate Programme Income Opportunities

How to Advertise Your Affiliate Products – Affiliate Programme Income Opportunities post thumbnail image

Many affiliates get frustrated after joining, I mean, signing up for an affiliate programme. The issue is, they get discouraged because after spending a lot of money on advertising, they get little or no result. I have personally suffered this, and am now in the best position to guide you in your affiliate stride to build extra income from the internet, through promoting affiliate products or affiliate online business opportunities, or both. It is one thing to join an online business, other thing to know the method of taking your products and services, to your target audience.

Am sharing with you, free of charge, proven and attested methods, of advertising your affiliate program, that is any online business that you have joined. We have two types of affiliate program, we have the first tier and the second tier affiliate program. In the former you are going to advertise the companies affiliate products in which you have signed up as an affiliate or an associate partner. In the later, that is second tier, in addition to your effort you recruit other affiliates under you, called down-lines, you earn certain amount of money as commission, from sales that your down-lines, makes. This can easily, duplicate, the amount of money, that you make online. I share now with you the method of advertisement you can use for your e-business.

Firstly, and the most effective method of advertising affiliate program online, is what is known as article marketing. Article marketing involves writing good contents and submitting them to free article submission websites. This method is free method of reaching your target audience in any affiliate program that you have joined. What is needed is to write good quality original content and then submit them to major article directories, like; EzineArticles, GoArticle, ArticleDashboard, Searchwarp, etc. The list is numerous, you can make use of Google search engine to get more article sites. What you need to do is to register for them, start writing and posting as money articles as possible to them. When you learn and make research on how to write quality contents about your products or or online business opportunity, your article will appear in the Google search engine and others free of charge. In this way, you can get people to buy, the products you promote, and others to join your program, as a sub affiliate or your down-line. You need to do your key word research very well. Get your affiliate link embedded into any content you are submitting, that is publishing in the article submission sites. In the way, you will make money working from home, on an affiliate programme. Don’t be scared, experience will produce the best result, I started just like you, now I have my contents listed in Google search engines, free of charge and I make money on daily basis, from the customized links in my contents.

The second method of advertising your online business, affiliate program and income opportunities is what is referred to as PPC method of advertising. If you are not good in article marketing, you employ companies to do it for you, that is why this comes in. PPC means pay per click action. The most effective ppc advertising, is that ran by the Google company, referred to as Google AdWords. It involves writing short promotional ads about your affiliate program, products and services, and activating it in the system. You need the knowledge of key words to do well in the program. You pay when people search for you keywords in the search engines and click on your ads. That is why it is referred to as PPC advertising. To register for the program, go to Google , click on advertising program, you have an account and off you go. You can start with a minimum of 10$, paid unto your account, your ads can start running, immediately. You set your bid per click and per day. this depends on the competition available on certain keywords. Certain keywords, bids higher than the other, this is due to huge competitions, amuong affiliates and various companies. There are some keywords or phrase that may go as low as 0. 1, 0. 01, per click, as the case may be.

The third method of advertising you affiliate products or affiliate program opportunities that I will share with you is what is referred to as social network marketing. Am sure you know what it means to socialize. Its all about friendship making sites. You make friends on such social networks, and you introduce your products and business opportunities to them. Popular social networks includes;facebook, yuwie, twitter, etc. You can make a huge amount of money, working from home by taking advantage of social networking, to advertise your affiliate products and opportunities.

Fortly, is what is known as bum marketing. In this method of advertising, you use the method of reviews of products, affiliate program, your online business websites, etc, you submit them to free article submission sites. I have discussed about using articles, to promote your affiliate products and opportunities earlier on. you will have to include your unique affiliate links into the reviews to make money from them. It shoul be noted that any site you are reviewing, you should have registered for them, in that way you can drive visitors to your affiliate site through your reviews. It should also be noted that most free article submission sites don’t accept including your url links into the content of your writings or reviews, however, you can include them in the space provided for the authors biography, that is your own space to advertise yourselve, your sites, and affiliate links. This will provide a baclink to which ever site is of interest to you. You have to write original contents and reviews, for your article to be accepted.

The fifth method is what is known as email marketing. It is also an effective method of selling your affiliate products for companies to earn commissions, as well as promote your business opportunities to make down-lines, inorder to duplicate your commission cheques. You will need an email list to mail to. It could be those of your friends, an email newsletter on you website in which people subscribe to for information about a certain products, services, or business opportunities. Email list can serve as a constant source of contact between you and your prospective buyers and sub-affiliates or your down-lines.

The sixth method to use in promoting your affiliate products and online business opportunities is referred to as offline marketing. Here you reach people offline or personal contact and you refer them to your affiliate page.

The last method I will share with you, is known as video advertising. You share videos with people about your products and services. You can produce the videos yourself or you use other peoples shared videos and include your affiliate links. This will provide a back link to your website or affiliate links. When people watch the videos and they see your advertisement, if they are interested, they will click on it, they will be navigated to your website or affiliate link. You can start by going to YouTube. The site is owned and managed by Google company, the owner of Google , the worlds most popular search engines.

The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary, is the little extra. Dont be discouraged, practice, will surely lead you to perfection. To succeed, possibilitize yourself, think success, talk success, and take success. If you are determined and put these methods to work, especially the article marketing, which is free method of advertising for affiliate products and online business opportunities, in few months, you will rank high in the result pages of major search engines, especially Google . It is only then that your struggle to gain financial in dependence, will come true. Don’t die in poverty, act today.

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