Make Money Online BANNERS How to add Admob Banner add in android App 2022

How to add Admob Banner add in android App 2022

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How to add Admob Banner in android App 2022

Admob is a mobile advertising company founded by Omar Hamoui. The name AdMob is a portmanteau for “advertising on mobile”. It was incorporated in 2006 and is based in San Mateo, California.

Prior to being acquired by Google, AdMob acquired the company AdWhirl, which was a platform for developing and managing mobile advertising campaigns. The acquisition occurred on November 9, 2009. The price was $750 million in Google stock. After the acquisition, AdMob became a subsidiary of Google.

In May 2010, Google acquired DoubleClick for $3.1 billion. This purchase included the subsidiary Dart that DoubleClick had recently acquired. As a result of this purchase, Google replaced the existing AdMob with its own advertising platform, Google AdSense for Mobile. In 2012, Google completed the integration of AdMob with DoubleClick DART for Publishers (DFP). DFP is a tool that helps website publishers manage their ads more effectively across screens and devices. The integration of DART and AdMob allows publishers to utilize features such as cross-platform reporting and dynamic allocation to maximize their ad revenue from mobile traffic.

In February 2016, it was announced that Google would be acquiring Pole Star Space Applications Ltd., a UK-based satellite data startup, for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition is aimed at bolstering Google’s mapping capabilities, particularly its ability to offer real-time traffic updates and other location-based data services.

How does admob work ?
Admob uses CPC(cost per click) or CPM(cost per mile) pricing models to bill advertisers . That means you will be charged based on how many clicks or impressions your ad gets. For CPC ,you will be charged based on how many times your ad is clicked regardless of whether the user takes any action on your app after clicking the ad(like making a purchase). For CPM ,you will be charged based on how many times your ad is seen regardless of whether the user clicks on it or not .

So if you want to maximize your chances of making money from admob ,you need to create an ad that has high CTR(click through rate) or eCPM(effective cost per mile).

What are some tips to increase CTR or eCPM?
1) Use attractive images: People are more likely to click on an ad if it has an attractive image that catches their eye. Make sure your image is relevant to your app and use bright colors to make it stand out.
2) Use engaging text: Just like with the image, your text needs to be interesting and relevant to your app. Use short, concise sentences that are easy to read and include a call-to-action (CTA) such as “Download now!”
3) Target your audience: You can target users by location, age, gender, interests, and other factors. The more specific you can be with your targeting, the better results you’ll see because people are more likely to engage with an ad that’s relevant to them.
4) Test different ads: Try out different combinations of images, text, targeting, and other factors to see what works best for your app. You can use Admob’s reporting tools to see how each ad performs so you can make adjustments accordingly.

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