Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC How Pandora Manages Network Traffic Using BGP and Latency Insights

How Pandora Manages Network Traffic Using BGP and Latency Insights

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Pandora Internet Radio is a music streaming and automated music recommendation service powered by the Music Genome Project. The service, operated by Pandora Media, is available in the United States on mobile devices, and in Australia and New Zealand. As of November 2019, Pandora Radio has more than 76 million active users.

How Pandora Manages Network Traffic Using BGP and Latency Insights

In order to keep its massive user base happy, Pandora must ensure that its network infrastructure is up to the task of streaming high-quality audio without interruption. The company has done this in part by adopting innovative techniques for managing network traffic, including the use of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and latency insights.

BGP is a standard protocol used to exchange routing information between different networks. By using BGP, Pandora is able to direct traffic away from congested or slow networks and onto alternative routes that will provide a better experience for its users. This ensures that Pandora’s audio streams are delivered with minimal delays or interruptions.

In addition to BGP, Pandora also uses latency insights to further optimize its network traffic management. By measuring the latency of its audio streams, Pandora is able to identify which networks are providing the best experience for its users and adjust its routing accordingly. This allows the company to provide an optimal streaming experience for all of its users, regardless of their location or the type of device they are using.

With these two techniques working together, Pandora is able to ensure that its network infrastructure can keep up with the demands of its growing user base. This allows the company to provide an uninterrupted listening experience for all of its users, no matter where they are located or what type of device they are using.

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