Make Money Online WEBSITES How Much People Earn From Website Advertising

How Much People Earn From Website Advertising

How Much People Earn From Website Advertising post thumbnail image

How much do most people earn from website advertising? It’s a complicated question that depends on a number of factors. One important factor in how much money a website earns is which ad network you choose. Various advertising networks use different methods of advertising. Networks that utilize traditional advertising methods through pay per click ads use banner ads and images on websites. This type of website advertising doesn’t get as many clicks for its ads because people are more likely to tune them out.

However, an In Text website advertising network usually draws more clicks on its ads because they’re placed right in the website content instead off to the side. In Text ads also look more like links than actual ads, so people aren’t as likely to tune them out. Different advertising networks also use different equations to match the ads on your website with your content. Better matches mean more clicks and thus, more revenue from that website.

Another thing that really goes into how much someone makes through a particular website is the amount of traffic the site gets. Traffic can be influenced by the usage of keywords. Keywords are the phrases people type into a search engine to find information on a specific topic. Website advertising networks also use keywords to match contextual ads with each website. Your keywords must be phrases the majority of people type when seeking the information that can be found on the website in question. Keywords must also be repeated many times on the website, or the search engine won’t find the website. Try to shoot for about a two to five percent keyword density. This means that two to five percent of the words on your website should be a specific keyword phrases. Aim for a two to five percent keyword density on each of your keywords.

Another important factor in how much money can be made through website advertising is your niche. People are always seeking information, but information on some topics just doesn’t do well on the internet. Some people prefer to seek different types of information elsewhere, so not every single set of knowledge in the world is highly sought after. A niche that many people are trying to learn about will get a lot more traffic than a niche that most people aren’t interested in. The website’s niche is directly related to how much traffic it gets. Niches that are highly sought-after will get a lot of traffic, while niches that people don’t care about will get less.


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