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History of Angular Js

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Angular is known as one of the best SPA (single-page application) development solutions besides React and Vue.js. It was launched almost 10 years ago and since then it has gone through innumerable adjustments. The first version of the framework came to know as AngularJS that launched in the year 2009 and thus it laid the foundation of present-day front-end application development.

AngularJS was founded by the developer Misko Hevery when he started working on a specific side project and later he formed AngularJS. Misko built a framework to handle the downfalls of HTML while taking ideas and best practices of other libraries which were something different done previously. The approach of founding Angular was a genius implementation due to its features made Misko extremely popular among other web developers.

AngularJS that refers to the 1.x and 2.x versions of the framework, is known as Angular. During its initial days, Angular was not only the framework but it also offered some of the best practices and features which made it very popular very quickly. After becoming popular among other frameworks in few months, it enticed the Google that understood the great potential of the Angular that was created by its team. Thus due to the sponsorship of a huge company like Google, Angular became more popular.

Before the arrival of the Angular in the market or in its initial days, it was not so easy to manage the huge bundle size compared to other libraries, and often there were some performance issues in the framework realized by some people as well. There were many lacks were also found in the framework, that makes AngularJS not much successful framework. The template syntax in the Angular framework worked out very well and it was adopted by Vue.js. (v-if – ng-if, v-model – ng-model) architecture while chaotic digest loop system sets limitations to its performance.

Some lags in the AngularJS emerged as a great motivation that compelled it to rewrite the complete framework. The change detection system of the Angular was unpredictable due to which the developers of Google wanted to rewrite the framework and thus developers began using very powerful libraries. Developers of Angular were also introduced few unique features like AoT (Ahead-of-Time) compiling, tree-shaking and many others as well. Though AoT changes the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and TypeScript code into JavaScript during the time of its building, while tree-shaking gets rid of the additional imports to achieve faster application bootstrapping and smaller footprint as well.
In Angular, the CLI was introduced that has the capability to commence the new projects, generate skeletons, and also has an ability to build application server that’s why it has now become a great handy tool for the developers. Except this, Angular also provides some handy mechanisms that deal with browser history. Due to these mechanisms, now it is very simple to handle URL changes through direct user interaction or the browser back/forward buttons. While entering an Angular app, there is an abstract route defined later which URLRouterProvider can be defined for the default route. We can also control the browser history through the HTML5 history API and Angular’s location service.

In AngularJS, the latest version of was launched in June 2015. The earlier version of AngularJS was 1.3.16 while the latest version of AngularJS is 1.4.0. AngularJS is one of the most trending JavaScript MVC ( MVVM ) Frameworks. Almost 6 years ago, the Angular team developed a plug-in for the Google Chrome browser called Batarang which was mainly created for debugging of web applications. The extension is not compatible with after releases versions of Angular. The Angular Versions 1.2 and its after versions do not support Internet Explorer versions 6 or 7 while versions 1.3 and after versions of AngularJS are compatible the browser Internet Explorer 8.

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