Make Money Online BANNERS Google AdSense Money – How to Make More of It!

Google AdSense Money – How to Make More of It!

Google AdSense Money – How to Make More of It! post thumbnail image

Google AdSense is the most used pay per click program on the internet. Many have failed at making money with AdSense but the few exceptions have made internet millions. So the questions is how do you get to making money with Google AdSense?

When making money with Google AdSense look and placement is everything, it decides whether or you make money or not. So to make it simple I compiled a checklist for you to go through when making and placing your Google AdSense ads for maximum AdSense revenue.

– The Size and Placement of the Ads

Generally when you go on web pages with ads, the ads are banners but studies show that wider ads is where the money is. Personally with my experimenting with Google AdSense a good combination of both is the best choice for your web pages. One banner for the left or right, a square ad to wrap around text, and one banner ad at the footer.

-The Color of the Ads

This part of making AdSense ads is the most crucial to making money with Google AdSense. Your ad’s colors have to match your website’s colors. So this means if your website’s color scheme is black and white your ads need to be black and white.

Again I have done experimenting by doing one ad that matches the color scheme and one that doesn’t and for some reason the one that matches made double the money.

– Text Ads VS Image Ads

Most people will tell you that image ads is the way to go because there flashy and they catch the attention of the visitor but in reality that’s there weak point. People don’t want to see ads that take there attention away from the content they want a ad that lets them read what they came for and then have a smooth transfer to a ad in result making them want to click the ad.

-Getting the Right Ads for your Website

The way AdSense runs is that you put a code in your webpage then they switch out the ads for you. So how do you get ads that relate to your webpage’s topic. Answer: you stuff your content with keywords that relate to the topic. For example if your topic is planting flowers you want the words plant, planting, and flowers to show up several times then Google will scan your webpage and they will put ads related to planting flowers.

Just follow these extremely easy steps when making and placing your AdSense ads and I can promise you they will maximize your Google AdSense income.

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