Make Money Online ADVERTISING Getting Started In Online Advertising – Advertising Quick Success Guide – Don Crowther

Getting Started In Online Advertising – Advertising Quick Success Guide – Don Crowther

Getting Started In Online Advertising – Advertising Quick Success Guide – Don Crowther post thumbnail image

Online advertising is a huge opportunity for businesses of all sizes to reach new customers and grow their business. But getting started in online advertising can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What are the best practices? And how do you measure success?

Don Crowther, an online marketing expert, has put together a quick success guide to get you started in online advertising.

Getting Started in Online Advertising

The opportunity to reach new customers online is bigger than ever before. More people are spending more time online, and they’re doing it from more devices. That means there are more opportunities for businesses to reach their target audiences with advertising.

But getting started in online advertising can be daunting. There are so many options and so much potential for wasted spend. Where do you start? What are the best practices? How do you measure success?

Don Crowther, an expert in online marketing, has put together a quick success guide to help you get started in online advertising. Here are his top tips:

1. Define your goals. Why are you considering advertising online? What do you want to achieve? Are you looking to drive traffic to your website? Generate leads? Sell products or services directly? Once you know what your goals are, you can choose the right platform and campaign type to help you achieve them.
2. Do your research. Not all advertising platforms and campaigns are created equal. Some work better for certain goals than others. Google AdWords, for example, is great for driving traffic to your website or generating leads, but not so much for selling products or services directly (that’s where Facebook Ads comes in). It’s important to do your research and choose the platform that will work best for your business and your goals.

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