Make Money Online AUTOMATION Generating S3 static websites using Pulumi's Automation API in Python | MIW 2021-02-03

Generating S3 static websites using Pulumi's Automation API in Python | MIW 2021-02-03

Generating S3 static websites using Pulumi's Automation API in Python | MIW 2021-02-03 post thumbnail image

In this week’s episode we build an API that lets callers create or update an S3 static website. We do this by using a combination of two Pulumi programs: one that creates the API and underlying Lambda function and another that is actually an inline Pulumi program using Automation API within the Lambda function itself.

Code for today’s episode is available at

Today’s example is in TypeScript and Python, but Pulumi makes it easy to stand up infrastructure in your favorite languages including JavaScript, C#, and Go – saving time over legacy tools like CloudFormation and Hashicorp Terraform.
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