Make Money Online SOLO ADS Ezine Publishing – How to Keep Your Readership High

Ezine Publishing – How to Keep Your Readership High

Ezine Publishing – How to Keep Your Readership High post thumbnail image

One of the greatest challenges with ezine publishing, especially if you are running soloads to your subscribers, is to keep the readership high. Your advertisers have to continue to see high returns, or they will not continue to advertise with you, and you have to mail regularly to keep the income coming in. So there is always a tightrope to walk there.

Not only do you have to continually recruit new subscribers, you have to keep the ones who are on your list, opening your emails.

So how do you do it?

1) Make sure that your solo ads offer quality. Just because they are paying you to run the ad, doesn’t mean you should run just anything. Not only does the payment have to cover your expenses, but it also has to cover the cost of getting new subscribers to replace the ones that unsubscribed after a lousy email.

2) Be sure and communicate with your subscribers even when you do not have an ad to run. Find out what they want to learn more about, and then provide it. Nurture you list.

3) Send free gifts from time to time. Free gifts are good for reviving a dead list – open rates can double or triple with the headline ‘a free gift for you’. Use that as an opportunity to build relationship.

4) You must continue to recruit new subscribers. Trade emailings with other ezine publishers – mail an opt in offer for them and have them mail one for you. Ezine subscribers that open a click through are great people to have on your list – they are proven to open and click.

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