Make Money Online CRAIGSLIST Email Processing For Cash Training, How To Post on Craigslist for free 2017 , Email Processing 2017

Email Processing For Cash Training, How To Post on Craigslist for free 2017 , Email Processing 2017

, How to make fast easy money now, Quick Ways To Make Money 2017

Email Processing For Cash Training, How To Post on Craigslist for free 2017, Email Processing 2017, How to make fast easy money now, Quick Ways To Make Money 2017

Email processing is one of the latest online scams. I came across this “opportunity” when I was looking for ways to make some extra money online.

The way it works is you pay a fee to join, usually around $25. Then you are given a list of companies that will pay you to process emails for them.

For each email you process, you earn a commission ranging from $0.25 to $5. So if you processed 100 emails in a day, you could earn up to $500!

Sounds great so far right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy…

The reason these companies are willing to pay you so much per email is because they are actually selling something within the email. And most likely, it’s something that you don’t want to buy!

It could be anything from homeopathic remedies to get-rich-quick schemes. But whatever it is, it’s something that the company knows people probably won’t buy if they just saw it advertised normally.

So they resort to desperate measures and hire people like us to send out their spam for them! And we get paid very little for our time and efforts.

In my opinion, this is just another online scam that preys on people who are looking for ways to make some quick and easy money. And I would advise anyone thinking of joining one of these schemes to stay well clear!

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