Make Money Online COPYWRITING Eight Important Components Of An Effective Sales Letter

Eight Important Components Of An Effective Sales Letter

Eight Important Components Of An Effective Sales Letter post thumbnail image

The lifeline of most businesses is sales. If your business is unable to reach its target sales for several years, chances are your business might close sooner or later. Without ample sales, a business would find it very hard to sustain itself. Therefore, it is imperative for any company to attract as much people as possible to buy its products or contract its services.

There are many ways to promote your goods or services. You could opt to advertise using the different media available today, such as television, print or even the Internet. Sending sales letters, whether through the post or the Internet, is one technique that many companies use because of its effectivity in helping boost sales.

If you want to take advantage of such a tool, however, you need to know its vital components. Making a sales letter is easy, even your 10-year old child or niece can do it. The hard part is actually creating a sales letter that will effectively provide you and your company actual sales. Here are the important elements of an effective sales letter:

1. Very interesting headline

The reason why newspaper headlines are big, bold and interesting is to attract people to buy the papers. The same is true for sales letters. You not only need to highlight your headline by using a font that is bigger and bolder than the rest of the body of the letter, but you also must make it interesting and compelling.

In sales letters, the headline will almost always be the one that will hook your potential customers to read the rest of the letter. Headlines that work usually give a promise, such as a discount or money back agreement, or a very compelling benefit, such as a guarantee that your product will work 100%.

2. Short but substantial background of your company and product

People usually buy from the people and companies that they trust or that their friends or family trust. One way of establishing trust is by giving your potential client a background of your company and product. Consumers usually do not trust those who do not mention their background and contact information.

You also need to discuss, to some extent, the service or product that you are offering. Is the product safe, effective, natural? In case of services, are your employees qualified or experts in their field? These are examples of the things that possible customers are interested in.

3. Facts, figures and testimonials

Another way of establishing credibility, both for the goods that you are offering and your company, is by incorporating fact, figures and even testimonials in your sales letter. It would be better if you could get someone that your target customers know and can relate to. Results of poll or research studies are also good information to add. However, be sure that the figures that you will be providing will highlight the superiority and excellence of what you are offering.

4. Various benefits the product and your company can offer

Nowadays, consumers demand value for every cent they spend. Thus, if you want the recipient of your letter to consider your product, you need to show him or her the benefits that he or she will get from the product from your company. Will the customers be able to buy the product at a discount? Does the product provide various uses? Can the client get extra perks or gift items from buying from you? These are just some of the things that your potential clients will be looking for.

5. Promises and guarantees you can keep

If you already mentioned a promise or guarantee in the headline, you need to reaffirm it in the body. Will you provide a refund if the customer was not satisfied with your product? Do you provide warranty on parts and services for certain number of years? Do you have a customer service number that is available 24 hours a day?

6. Specific period of time

In order for people to feel required or obliged to buy your product the soonest possible time, you need to give them a specific period or time frame to avail themselves of the discount, gift or promo.

7. Add a post script

Post scripts are really intended for busy people who do not like to read long letters. If you put a post script that is as strong as your headline, people might be inclined to read the whole letter, and even buy your product.

8. Giveaways and gifts

An effective sales letter usually comes with a freebie. If you are sending your sales letter via post, make sure your free item is something that will be useful to your potential client. You don’t really have to give very expensive items, a refrigerator magnet or a pen will do. Just make sure that the free gift has the name of your company and your contact information. If you are sending a sales letter via electronic mail, you could probably offer a free e-book or free subscription to your newsletter.

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