There is no need to be a professional writer to earn money from your articles. In fact, many people who are not professional writers have found that they can make a good income by writing articles and selling them online.
If you have something to say and can say it well, you can make money by writing articles. The key is to find a website that will pay you for your articles.
One such website is Examiner. Examiner is a website that allows users to submit articles on any topic they choose. Examiner then pays the user based on the quality of the article and the number of page views it generates.
To get started, simply create an account on Examiner and submit your article. Once your article is approved, it will be published on the site and you will start earning money based on the number of views it generates.
Another great website for earning money from your articles is HubPages. HubPages is similar to Examiner in that it allows users to submit articles on any topic they choose. However, HubPages does not pay users for their articles.
Instead, HubPages allows users to earn money through adsense and affiliate programs. Adsense is a program that allows website owners to place ads on their websites and earn money based on the number of clicks those ads generate. Affiliate programs allow website owners to earn commission on sales generated through their website.
To get started with HubPages, simply create an account and start writing articles. You can then sign up for Adsense and/or affiliate programs and start earning money from your articles immediately.
Yet another great website for earning money from your articles is Squidoo. Squidoo is similar to HubPages in that it allows users to write articles on any topic they choose and then earn money through adsense and affiliate programs.
To get started with Squidoo, simply create an account and start writing lenses (articles). You can then sign up for Adsense and/or affiliate programs and start earning money from your lenses immediately.
So if you have something to say and can say it well, there are many websites that will allow you to earn money by writing articles. All you need to do is find the right website for you and start writing!