Make Money Online WORDPRESS Download Facebook E-Mail Addresses to Your Computer

Download Facebook E-Mail Addresses to Your Computer

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Did you know that when you sign up a Facebook, and accept friend’s requests, you are giving them access to your e-mail address? I presumed that Facebook was this little cloud on the Internet where you communicate with people freely, without them being able to contact you personally. Then I discovered that you could download your Facebook friends e-mail addresses. This made me think twice when the next friend request popped up. I then had to begin asking myself,” Do I know this person well enough to share my email address with?”

It is very easy to download your Facebook friends email addresses.

1. You will need a Yahoo mail account to import Facebook e-mail addresses.

2. Go to your Yahoo mail account and press on the contacts link.

3. You will see a section that says import your contacts from other accounts to Yahoo!

4. Click on the link that says import now.

5. Press on the Facebook icon to start downloading Facebook friends e-mail addresses.

If you are not signed into Facebook at the time you will be asked to enter your name and password, and then you will be asked if you allow Yahoo to download your Facebook friends e-mail addresses.

Problems with downloading Facebook email addresses:

I do not think that many people are aware that you can do this. If you have friends on your list that you do not know and have just met on the Internet they could be e-mail harvesters, simply making friends with you to get your e-mail address. This is how we all get spam coming into our e-mail boxes.

To solve this problem we need to use a disposable email address to sign up to Facebook with.

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