Make Money Online COPYWRITING Double Your Profit With Killer Headlines

Double Your Profit With Killer Headlines

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The first thing you’ll want to do to double your profits is construct an extremely powerful headline. You need to make sure your headline prehead and subhead are exciting enough to get people to stop what they’re doing and take a close look at what you’re saying.

You only have a short space of time in which to get that prospect to decide whether they want to stay on this site or not. The number of people who leave websites within the first ten seconds is astronomical. If you can double the number of people who stick on your site and actually read your letter, chances are you can double your sales. You see, this entire business is a numbers game. Only a certain percentage of people who visit your site and only a certain percentage of those will stick around more than ten seconds. And only a small slice of those will actually purchase the product. So at every level you need to be maximizing the number of people who are in your sales funnel.

You’ll want to make sure that your headlines are heavy on the benefits that will be provided to your prospects. One headline that worked extremely well was: “Why Some People Always Seem to Make Money At the Stock Market”. A headline like that is a good one to model after. It’s catchy and it peaks your interest to read on. Be sure to split test different headlines because you might find that as simple tweak dramatically affects your profits.

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