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Crossfit Vs Turbulence Training

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Everyone wants to know: what is the difference between Crossfit and Turbulence Training? Well, lets take a look at some pros and cons:



  • Provides you with free, intense workouts that help you lose fat, gain strength, and boost your athletic abilities.
  • Recommends sound nutritional guidelines
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provides a great tutorial for beginners trying to get into Crossfit
  • Crossfit Forum is free, and is relatively beginner-friendly
  • Promotes the use of Free Weights and Bodyweight Training as opposed to Machines
  • Provides detailed instructions for each movement they use
  • Credited for workouts that helped transform the “300” crew
  • Best training programs for professional athletes and military personel
  • Crossfit Journal costs only $25 per year


  • Too advanced for average individuals and complete beginners
  • Potential for injury is too great
  • Recommended frequency for workouts is too high
  • Not the best program to increase lean muscle mass
  • Not recommended for obese or overweight individuals
  • There is no clear-cut answer to the development of the articles
  • Too random – workout schedule makes no sense
  • Former Crossfit trainers complain of “cult” mentality
  • Founder of Crossfit is extremely out of shape
  • Crossfit trainers are expensive

Sample Workout:

For time:

  • 225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
  • 50 Pull-ups
  • 225 pound Deadift, 12 reps
  • 40 Pull-ups
  • 225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
  • 30 Pull-ups
  • 225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 225 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
  • 10 Pull-ups

Turbulence Training


  • Perfect training program for men and women of ages 14 to 75.
  • Able to get individuals who are even 300+ pounds into great shape
  • Very clear cut, simple approach to training
  • Uses minimal equipment. Most workouts only require your bodyweight.
  • Full support from Trainer Craig Ballantyne via Members Forum
  • Craig Ballantyne is in great shape
  • Minimal Risk of injury
  • Does not promote steady state cardio
  • Does not recommend machines
  • Extremely safe method of training with controlled intensity
  • Recommends the use of Free Weights and Bodyweight Training
  • Saves you money on trainers
  • Saves you money on gym membership
  • Saves you money on training equipment at home


  • You have to pay for it.

Sample Workout:

1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat – 8 reps per side

No rest.

1B) Spiderman Pushup or Pushup – 10 reps per side or 15 reps

Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Superset #2

2A) Inverted Row or Beginner Inverted Row – 12 reps

No rest.

2B) 1-Leg Deadlift – 12 reps

Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Triset #3

3A) Stability Ball Rollout – 10 reps

No rest.

3B) Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 10 reps per side

No rest.

3C) Side Plank – 30 second hold per side

Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 trisets.

Final Verdict

I like to use some Crossfit workouts in my regular training, although at a much lower intensity level. In the forums and material presented on their website, they do not give you any guidelines to use when scaling the workouts to meet your intensity level.

The biggest mistake you can make is to perform the Crossfit workouts as is. You will need to modify them slightly based on equipment you have access to, training level, and level of mental strength.

The Turbulence Training workouts on the other hand, can be taken as is. There is no guesswork. All the information is provided to you. If you need to make them harder, simply add another set, more reps, or add weight.

Craig Ballantyne also shows you how to make a workout more easier. Turbulence Training was developed with the average individual in mind. Crossfit was developed with the athlete in mind.

It’s up to you to make your decision. But, I recommend Turbulence Training for the average individual.

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