Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC Creating Great Website Content – Why Bullet Points Are Your Friend

Creating Great Website Content – Why Bullet Points Are Your Friend

Creating Great Website Content – Why Bullet Points Are Your Friend post thumbnail image

Content is extremely important when it comes to building a worthwhile website. Great website content can launch a new internet business higher than you may believe is possible. You just have to know a few tricks to making written copy even easier to create.

One of these tricks involves the use of bullet points. Think about some of the web copy you have read over the years. How much of it was easy to read? And how much of it was so overwhelming when you looked at it you simply clicked away and found another page elsewhere to read instead?

Half the battle with creating good web copy is to make it look good. It needs to look readable as well as actually being readable. It’s like cooking and presenting food – if it doesn’t look appetising you aren’t going to feel excited to eat it, even if it tasted wonderful.

So let’s look at why bullet points are worth using in your articles and web copy:

* They help to break up the main body of text
* They draw the eye in and make the writing look more accessible
* They help you to get specific points across to the reader (much as I am doing here)
* They make it much easier for the reader to absorb those points. That wouldn’t be the case if you strung them all along in a single sentence.

You shouldn’t automatically look for ways to use bullet points in every single article or piece of copywriting you write (or have someone else create for you). But there are plenty of circumstances where they can greatly enhance the quality and look of the article or website content you are creating.

So remember those bullet points. Four or five in a single article could just win you more readers than you would otherwise have had.

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