Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Creating an Online Identity With Twitter For Social Interaction and Traffic Generation

Creating an Online Identity With Twitter For Social Interaction and Traffic Generation

Creating an Online Identity With Twitter For Social Interaction and Traffic Generation post thumbnail image

Twitter is a social site that you have probably heard of if you have spent time on the Internet. The goal of this social site is to leave little blog entries or classified ads called Tweets about what you are currently doing or some product or service. It is great for social interaction as well as a important tool in any marketing campaign.

Now lets look at a short overview of Twitter and a couple of tips on how to use it.

If you have not noticed in the last year or so, Twitter a very popular topic. Everyone from politicians, athletes, stars, to everyday folks are using Twitter.

It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up for Twitter and start to use their service. Just need to go to

After you have signed up, you can send and receive Tweets between you and your friends which will be shown on your own personal page. As you can guess, this is fun, clean social interaction. As can stay on top of what you friends and family is doing at any given point if they tweet about it.

One thing that is becoming apparent is that Twitter is also a very valuable tools for Internet Marketing.

In your profile area on your homepage, you can include a link to a website. What you should do is put a link to your own site so that when people visit your page, they see your link, click on it, and then visit your site. But as you can guess, it is not that easy.

So how do you benefit from Twitter. First, you must get other Twitters to follow you. All you need to do here, is find people you would like to follow, click follow them, and most folks will usually follow you back.

One tool that you can use to find people to follow, can be found at At this site, you can search for people by keyword or phase, and then follow the people who has used that keyword or phrase on their Twitter page.

For example, to search for people in the Internet Marketing niche, all you would do is type in Internet Marketing and click search. The trick is not to follow to many folks at once, but to select about 25 per day and make a consistent effort to do this everyday. You can also find more people to follow and interact with by looking that the list of folks that your followers is following.

As you follow people, they follow you back, it just becomes one big snowball effect. You need to write tweets on a consistent basis. My rule of thumb is to post about 5 per day. Another thing you can do is also post links you your articles and blog posts. But the key and most important thing is to tweet about what you are currently doing. Try to make your tweets interesting so as to build anticipation for your tweets from your followers.

This will help to get people clicking through to your site. As with anywhere else on the Internet, please do not SPAM people on Twitter. If you do, people will begin to unfollow you and consistent spamming will get you banned from Twitter. The key is to use the site as a social site to interact with people and build relationships, not spamming them to death.

If you do this properly and build a good rapport with your followers, people will visit your site or product pages and become your customers without you ever selling directly to them. Now go out, sign up for Twitter, and begin to create relationships with your followers. You may just get more than monetary compensation for it. You might just find some more real friends.

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