Make Money Online ADVERTISING Cost Effective Advertising – Which Online Advertising Methods Give You the Most For Your Money?

Cost Effective Advertising – Which Online Advertising Methods Give You the Most For Your Money?

Cost Effective Advertising – Which Online Advertising Methods Give You the Most For Your Money? post thumbnail image

The most cost effective advertising method or methods are: Article Marketing, Blogging, & Video Marketing. Hands down, These are the most cost effective advertising methods online. But what does That mean for you? You asked a question and I answered it. Now what…? You now know some of the best forms of advertising online but that really doesn’t mean anything. Just because you know what forms of advertising are effective; doesn’t mean you know How to advertise effectively. Online Advertising can be a very lucrative activity IF it is done right. Many individuals do o.k. online, but these same individuals have to continually work and advertise in order to continually get paid. But there are other marketers who receive paychecks month after month and have not worked online in years.

What’s The Difference Between Marketers that Struggle and Marketers that Don’t?

The ones that last long in the business of online advertising and don’t have to work anymore have”learned the business” and have created many streams of residual income from their advertising methods. Everyone else just “knows the business”. For instance, if you’re reading this, you now know about some very cost effective advertising methods. And with a couple more searches on the web, you’ll know about a couple other ways to advertise. So eventually, it will be safe to say that you “know the business” of online marketing. Those who only “know the business” can easily “Tell” someone how to advertise (Do this, Post that, write this, etc.) But those who have “learned the business” can “Teach” you–Not just how to advertise, but how to advertise effectively. That’s Key. And another big difference is the “why” factor. The marketers who “know the business” can tell you what works, but The marketers who have “learned the business” can tell you “Why” everything works.

Look No Further

I have already mentioned what I believe to be the most cost effective ways to advertise; But I am going to leave the “Why” these methods work up to you to find out. But, before you do, I might as well tell you about some other methods that you should take interest in:

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Banner Ads
Viral & Social Marketing
Press Releases

One Last Thing That You “MUST” remember

Each of the above methods I mentioned, including the first three are all good methods of advertising, but you do not need to learn them all at one time. You need to take it one method at a time. Learn how to do one method effectively and then move to other. And eventually you’ll have a bunch of advertisements all over the web; Thus creating longevity.

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