Make Money Online COPYWRITING Copywriting Tips to Get You Selling Online Right Away

Copywriting Tips to Get You Selling Online Right Away

Copywriting Tips to Get You Selling Online Right Away post thumbnail image

If you are new to copywriting, just trying to get a sales letter up for your site, or you are trying to get some freelance work, this article is for you. Below, I will show you 5 different techniques that you can use to tighten up your copy into a mouth watering, wallet offering experience for your customer. Read on to find out how.

Here are 5 tips that you can use to make your copywriting close more sales:

1. Write as if you are having a conversation with a friend. If you write with the level of hype that is contained in an infomercial, you will just scare people away in disbelief. What once worked for ads in the National Enquirer, no longer work for most of us. People just want a solution to their problem without all the over-hype.

2. Write in very short sentences and design your sales letter to be pleasing to the eye. When you are done writing your sales letter, make sure that there are no “visual speed bumps” that will stop the reader in their tracks. Sales letters are not read like books. People skip around when they read them, so each section should stand alone.

3. Always create a call to action from the reader. It does not matter what you are trying to do, you need to make sure that nothing leaves your desk without getting the reader to do something. Whether it’s filling out their email, buying a product, calling an 800 number, or many other options, the key word is ACTION. Get that prospect off the couch.

4. Create a headline that grabs the customer around the neck and reels them in. It does not have to sell the whole product offer. The headline is only to grab attention and get the person to keep reading. There are a ton of classic examples out there for headlines that work.

5. Make your sales letter FUN to read. Remember this is not a novel. You are selling something and the customer has volunteered to read your ad. You don’t necessarily have to tell jokes, but you should have some kind of compelling story about your product, where the customer wants to know how it ends and keeps reading.

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