Make Money Online COPYWRITING Copywriting: Is It the New Kid in Town?

Copywriting: Is It the New Kid in Town?

Copywriting: Is It the New Kid in Town? post thumbnail image

“I’m a copywriter.”

Not like copy and write, I don’t copy other people’s content and use it for my own benefits like Shakespeare!

Oh well,” How dare you drag our beloved Shakespeare into this filthy copywriting business of yours, he deserves not to be here!”

Believe me he has every right to be here as much as anyone else!

You must have heard about the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, one of longest running plays in the history along with Hamlet!

But was it completely Shakespeare’s to call?

If you turn some Wikipedia pages over it you will know that it isn’t!

The plot is originally based on an Italian tale translated into verse as The tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1567.

Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both but expanded the plot by developing a number of supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris.

Well now you must be thinking if you know Shakespeare at all?

I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t read Shakespeare from now on just for the sake of originality, I’m just trying to present to you a new definition of copied or more likely to be called “inspired” these days!

Now do you get it? No?

Unique and original is just a relative term in the time frame of reference, well actually there is nothing unique in the nature!

Nowadays creativity is the real thing because a creative person hides the copy clause from not so original content and replace it with the new and fresh “looking” one!

That’s pretty much about copy, now what about copywriting?

It must be something related to copying content of other people or at the worst case scenario people can think you can help them to “copyright” their content!

Actually a copywriter does neither of those.

So what do I do actually? Curious?

Don’t hide it! Well the writing is included but it is more writing than copying!

The following guide can make you understand better.

The interview

A copywriter is generally an attentive listener and in this phase he rather speaks but try to attain a deeper understanding of product or services provided by the client!

The conversation is almost one way with the client narrating the need of his business and his consumers!

The conversation usually happens in a closed meeting room until different geographical locations are included, if that’s the case then the meeting can take place over Skype or telephone too where he will be trying to take the deeper understanding of how you talk and how the writing should sound when one should read it!

The creativity (don’t agree?)

Until further meetings, your copywriter will review the stack of notes he took!

Then the thinking process starts where he decides how your business should look in front of the customers!

Just like a reporter asks questions to the celebrity and makes a note about his answers, in the same way the copywriter has to mold your talking so that it can look presentable to the audience!

The title needs to be extracted out from your talking along with the body of the content and both of them should be interesting enough to be clicked!

Such an easy task, right?

Wait till you see the unscreened data of celebs interviews and then only analyze if you like that celeb at all!

The constant dedication of their media spokesperson makes them what they appear in front of you!

And if he stops interfering then all things starts to fall apart!

Know what they all say, “You need to be a showman before becoming an actor”!

The first draft

Once he is done locking horns with creativity, the final writing takes place!

This what you see has been dumped to trash several times before it gets molded into the first draft to be sent to you!

It has been written only for the readers to see and to know their perspective your copywriter might roam around the city just to get their feedback on your business!

The next time your copywriter go missing, don’t jump on your horses just then, wait till he comes back with probably more ideas than before!

You can share your views with him on the first draft but keep in mind, who’s the expert?

Just kidding, or am I?


Once provided with your feedback the whole chain reaction kicks in again from thinking and planning to writing!

He has to amend it again after your views and re-submit it again to you!

As you can see, there are a lot of stages to copywriting, and it’s a very collaborative process including feedback from both client and readers!

Your copywriter is your buddy and he will never give you advice that won’t prove worthy at the end so reward him with every piece of information he wants and no matter how many times he asks!

Together we can all learn something, savvy?

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